Finding the Time to Write and Wride
Yeah, see what I did there? Okay, corny….but it fits.
Finding the time to get my weekly rides in has never really been an issue for me over the past 10 years…..and that’s saying a lot seeing as I’ve totally shaken up all aspects of my life several times. But no matter what country I’ve been living in, or what kind of work I’ve been doing….I always seem to create my own culture and have the time to do a lot of cycling.
For about the past 8 or 9 months it hasn’t been super easy to get out and ride, and if you haven’t already noticed…..I haven’t had the time to do as much writing on this site either.
It’s a great kind of busy and I absolutely love all the things that keep me occupied, but it has limited the time I have to write and ride. So how do I deal with it?
Well, when it comes to Loving the Bike I just focus on all the great connections and friendships that have been created since first starting this website almost 7 years ago. I think back to all the hard work and time I put in when I could, and during this busy time I appreciate that I’m able to be a little less involved but continue having visitors enjoy all the content that’s been created.
Even though my time is much more limited, I am still riding. The only difference is that I’ve spent more time in the saddle riding on a trainer than I ever have in my life. Yeah, I’ve never really been a fan of riding indoors and find being outside one of the best parts of cycling. But in order to get in the weekly miles I’m looking for, I’ve been putting in a lot of them this way. When I do get outside for a ride, I sure do appreciate it and make the most of being out there.
I’ve talked many times about priorities and core values. When you know what those things are, you just have to fit them into your daily journey. I think that if you really love something, you’ll always find time for it.
Enjoy Your Ride. Enjoy Your Life.