Goodfluence Bicycle Tour – Week 3
My friend, Rob Greenfield amazes me in so many ways and I never get tired of the inspiration and motivation he provides me. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I see a person that’s doing fantastic things for their community or the world….I wonder if they’re really authentic. Well, I’ve known Rob for about a year now and can absolutely attest to him being the real deal. He might as well tattoo the word Goodfluence across his forehead.
Along with everything else, Rob is also a great writer and able to transcend his spirit through words. So for this week’s update on his bicycle ride across the United States, I’m sharing his story from last week:
Hello to you all from desolate Texas!
It’s been a challenging few days but I feel the freedom coursing through my veins. Yesterday I rode along side a nice tornado for about 5 miles and couldn’t pull my eyes off it’s magnificence. The rest o…f the evening was full of strong headwinds, storms 360 degrees around me, and lighting shooting through evening rainbows.
Today I took a naked rest in the high altitude pine forests and burnt my pelvic region a fair bit.
I have no rain fly for my tent so I’ve been at the mercy of the rainy elements during my slumber. It is all so magical and I am so blessed and happy to have a life full of challenges rather than stagnation and monotony. The earth provides me with so much to experience and contemplate.
This week has also been huge in personal development in becoming a more happy, healthy, and free human. I’ve canceled the last credit card to my name, abolished my last reoccurring bill, and switched to a credit union. I am transitioning further into a life without money and am so elated for the true freedom and purity this will hold.
I just want to spend my life in the service of others helping them to be happy, healthy, and free. And that is exactly what I’ll be doing.
Love to you and the world from Texas.
Bike2Power Powers Rob
Rob Greenfield is just one of countless people riding across the country, around the world, or covering ultra-distances. Each person has their own reason for their journey, and several use it as a way to promote a cause. Last year Rob rode to educate people on sustainability, and this year it’s to promote self, community, and world goodness.
This is also not the first time that Bike2Power has supported and sponsored a cyclist and their adventure. But what I love about having Rob and Bike2Power connected is the perfect match they create. Rob is the ultimate do good human I know, and Bike2Power is a fantastic do good company.
Bike2Power believes that a good product should speak for itself. Instead of pouring a pile of cash into marketing, they put a portion of earnings where it will do the most good. Every month, Bike2Power selects a charitable cause or organization suggested by our friends (fans, customers, or customer fans). Then they donate a portion of sales to those causes each month. Thanks to Rob and Bike2Power for doing good things.
For more on Rob, visit him at You can check out Bike2Power at

Good luck Rob on your journey, I have got your website bookmarked and will check back as often as I can! I don’t think I will ever cycle across America myself though, the distances seem too great.