Loving the Bike TV: What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
A while back, we did a Cycling 360 podcast about what we would tell our younger self when just getting started with road cycling, and I thought it would be cool to come up with the same sort of advice for Loving Life off the Bike as well.
In this edition of Loving the Bike TV I talk about the number one piece of advice I would give myself if I could go back and tune myself in. I strongly feel this piece of advice is what all young people need to know, and I hope you’ll share it with those around you.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwecmSStwiM’]

“You can’t control the future just live in the now ang go with the flow”
Great show and loving your site
To never give up on dreams, to believe what your heart is telling you, to be grateful, and to never forget that life is good.