My Definition of Success


What is your personal definition of success…….both for cycling and life?

Definition-of-SuccessIf you don’t have a personal definition I greatly suggest you getting one.  By knowing exactly what it takes for you to consider your life a success, you need to have a way to measure or determine it.

It all comes down to core values in my opinion.  If you know what key ingredients go into making you feel successful then you’ll know what goes into your own personal definition.

Because cycling is such a huge part of my life, it most definitely is a part of my definition of success.  If I’m able to ride outside, year round, in a warm climate at least 4 or 5 times each week, then one of my core values has been met.  If I’m able to continually improve my performance and become a stronger cyclist each year, then the cycling portion of my life is a complete success.

But my definition of success goes farther.  I won’t get into all the details, but another of my core values is to live each day with nothing more than a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals.  I’ve done all I can to make this one happen, and I honestly cannot remember the last time I had to detour from this core value.  The only shoes I wear are my cycling shoes….some days I wear no shoes or sandals at all.

Because I used to work from home and now that I do leave home to work, I take my bike.  There are some weeks that I don’t spend any time in the car…..and to me, that is one incredible feeling.  This is most definitely another sentence in my definition of success.

One of my favorite definitions of success is from musician, Bob Dylan:


Bob Dylan Success Quote

I think his words quite easily sum up all that goes into my own personal definition.

So how about you?  What key ingredients go into your own personal definition of success?  Create it, and then make it happen.

Enjoy Your Ride
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6 Responses to “ My Definition of Success ”

  1. Joel Phillips on August 6, 2013 at 12:43 pm

    For me, success is going to sleep each night knowing I lived each moment of the day to its fullest!

  2. Daniel Christianson on August 6, 2013 at 10:55 am

    Good stuff.

    There have been long
    stretches of my life where if I were to look to my future there was nothing but
    a grey wall of the unknown, right at the present seems to be another one of
    them times. That needs to change. Thanks for the reminder-

    • Darryl is Loving the Bike on August 6, 2013 at 12:57 pm

      I’m glad this post helped. Bust through the grey wall and start making it happen.

  3. Paul Kirby on August 5, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    I really like the Bob Dylan quote. Some days, doing what I want to do involves getting in a ride and making sure my kids have a good day. Other days, it involves various chores that I really want to get done and out of the way. Sometimes I’m successful, sometimes not so much.

    If I’m showing some real honesty here, a HUGE goal of mine is to get completely free of credit card debt. When I meet that goal, and I’m closing in on it, that will certainly count as a “success” for me.

    • Darryl is Loving the Bike on August 5, 2013 at 8:32 pm

      Yeah, I’ve always loved that quote…very simple, but effective. I think you’re right in that our definition of success can shift from day to day and year to year. What equals success right now, but be different tomorrow.
      Good luck with your credit goal, I hope you’re successful very soon.


    February 2025
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to

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