Posts Tagged ‘ Cycling Related Blogs ’

“I Own a Donkey”

March 23, 2015
“I Own a Donkey”

I’ve talked about it a few times, but never dedicated a post entirely to our donkey, Moonlight Poet.  Yes, our family owns a donkey, and it’s definitely something worthy of a #MakeitHappen Monday post. People ask me all the time, why do you have a donkey?  Well, the quick answer is….why not?  A little...
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Posted in Make it Happen Mondays | 5 Comments »

Belize Road Cycling and Mountain Bike – Land For Sale

January 24, 2015
Belize Road Cycling and Mountain Bike – Land For Sale

You’ve heard me talk about how Belize and its incredible cycling culture, but I wanted to touch on it again and provide an opportunity for you to make it home. Whether you like cycling or not, Belize is a fabulous place to consider as a full-time or part-time home.  Two huge advantages it has...
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Cycling With Chikungunya, Arthritis, or Joint Pain

November 28, 2014
Cycling With Chikungunya, Arthritis, or Joint Pain

Right now you’re probably thinking, WTF is a Chikungunya?  A major part of this mosquito transmitted virus is severe joint pain, just like with Arthritis.  So what does a cyclist with this kind of joint pain do, and how does it affect riding? Okay, so here’s a little more information on Chikungunya (pronunciation: \chik-en-gun-ye) before getting into the...
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Posted in Cycling Tips and Information, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

Hidden Strava Factors

September 26, 2014
Hidden Strava Factors

With the introduction of Strava, an ongoing virtual race is always right there waiting for you.  Yeah, Stravaholics from around the world can battle it out with other cyclists in their area any day and time they want.  But remember, there are plenty of hidden Strava factors when comparing yourself to others. Just in case you...
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The Lost Month

July 11, 2014
The Lost Month

July is a lost month for cycling fans. Our DVR fills with 21 stage races that are watched and re-watched, armchair analyzed as if we could have an inkling as to what riders are experiencing. We watch colors of the peloton cut through lush green pastures as helicopters capture the speed of riders moving...
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Art and Bikes: An Artist Profile

February 28, 2014
Art and Bikes: An Artist Profile

Bicycles have been inspiring artists since their invention. For one Chicago cyclist, the bike is not only for physical activity, social interaction, and transportation to the coffee shop, but also for artistic expression. “Bikes are beautiful. They’re mechanical and works of art themselves,” says architect and illustrator Robert Isaac. Robert’s illustration was featured at ARTCRANK...
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Posted in Photos, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »


November 1, 2013

I was out on Sunday with my favorite riding partner and we passed this word – the only unnatural thing on the expanse of this wall along the train tracks.  I told him I wanted to stop, and he waited patiently for me while I took this photo. We started off again.  He was...
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Posted in Motivation, Photos, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

Paying It Forward

October 25, 2013
Paying It Forward

I gave away this bike on Saturday.  Although it looks like an ordinary bike, this one was something special. This bike was therapist, friend, life preserver, and constant companion for the better part of a year.  It was the reason to get out of bed in the morning and something to look forward to...
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Posted in Motivation, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »

My Preconceived Cycling Notions Debunked

October 2, 2013
My Preconceived Cycling Notions Debunked

I feel like I know a little about nutrition and fitness, so along with that I have my thoughts and beliefs on certain things. Well, I recently had some of these preconceived notions debunked as I discover what I thought is not necessarily reality. Eating Before a Ride: I’ve always felt that a meal...
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September 30, 2013

It is one simple word, but something I use to get my mind back on track……on and off the bike.  Clear. I seem to get all up in my head way more than I should.  What I mean by that is I think too much.  Yeah, my head is always full of all sorts...
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Posted in Make it Happen Mondays | 6 Comments »

Loving the BITE: Cyclists’ Great (Non) Cereal Challenge

September 19, 2013
Loving the BITE: Cyclists’ Great (Non) Cereal Challenge

  Many, many cyclists begin their day with a bowl of cereal.  This can be a good thing, a nutritionally neutral thing, or a downright bad thing.  Sure, a picky consumer can find a cereal that actually provides health, wellness, and energy benefits.  But by default, most cereals leave much to be desired, and...
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Posted in Cycling Nutrition, Loving the "Bite" Recipes | 1 Comment »

Day and Night

September 6, 2013
Day and Night

We’ve got another beautifully painted ride report and photo from @soozed….and we’d like to officially introduce her as one of our Loving the Bike team members.  Yes, she’ll be posting on a regular basis over here and I’m so excited about it. Day and Night by Suzanne Deveney Black and white. Good and evil....
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    July 2024
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to

Nutrition Tips