The Rapha Effect
I’m not sure exactly what it is, but Rapha somehow manages to throw a lot of cyclists into a trance. Last weekend at NAHBS was no different. They thundered into Austin on Thursday night and mesmerized everyone with their dazzling Rapha Continental Movie Premier at Mellow Johnny’s. Before anyone could snap out of their daze, they hit them again with the Mellow Johnny’s Rapha Gentlemen’s Ride. If that wasn’t enough, they continuously knocked people out with their display at the NAHBS event itself.
Local Austin photographer, Chris Gomez, captured it all in these pictures below. Careful now, we don’t want you falling victim to the Rapha trance as well.
Rapha Continental Movie Premier at Mellow Johnny’s
MJ’s had all the action during this year’s NAHBS in Austin
This wasn’t about Rapha, but I had to include a shot of the Gary Fisher Custom Transport at MJ’s VIP Party
The Indie Fab Rapha Bike on display at NAHBS
For more of Chris’ Rapha Event photos from last weekend’s NAHBS, click right here. Proceeds from photos purchased at Chris Gomez Photography go to Livestrong and Pablove.