Loving the Bike TV: Believe You Can Do It
Belief is possibly the biggest ingredient when it comes to achieving your goals. As you know, I’m no runner….but it wasn’t until that first dude ran a 4 minute mile that others knew it was possible and were able to do it themselves. Same thing with climbing Everest. Once it was done, there was no stopping all the others who’ve decided to do it since.
When it comes to riding a bike, there isn’t anything you cannot do. Look at guys like Danny MacAskill and Martyn Ashton who are doing things on a bike that weren’t even thought of before. They believed it was possible, and they made it happen. How about the speeds and performance of today’s pro cyclists? They’re at the level they are because they’ve seen what’s possible and believe in themselves to get where they want to go.
This week’s Loving the Bike TV episode is all about personal belief. You Can Do It.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WIxyleZ4cI’]

Good words, sweetie. Let’s be sure to keep that belief in our kids, and help find a way to get others to retain that belief as well.