The votes are in and it’s time once again to let you know who you selected as the Top Dogs of the Cycling Blogs.
Seems like the amount of votes was down a little from other years, but based on who voted here’s how things went down.
Top Road Cycling Blog
Cycling Tips
After being dethroned by Red Kite Prayer last year, Cycling Tips once again regained the title and was selected as the top cycling blog in the road category. Congratulations to Wade and the crew from down under.
Top Travel Cycling Blog
The Path Less Pedaled
These guys are rocking the bicycle travel scene right now and were overwhelming favorites in this category. Congratulations to Russ and Laura who are promoting cycling all over the place….you guys are awesome.
Top Women’s Cycling Blog
Velo Mom
Man, it’s personally been a devastating year for Velo Mom, and I’m not sure where she found the strength to push through….but she’s been able to create on amazing blog and from the amount of votes she received, there’s a ton of fans who love it. Congratulations….our hearts are with you.
Top Commuter Cycling Blog
Chasing Mailboxes
For the second year in a row, Chasing Mailboxes has been crowned the top dog of the commuter blogs. Once again, this blog was the commanding vote getting in this category. When you’re pumping out good stuff, it definitely goes noticed. Congratulations to MG and the crew at Chasing Mailboxes.
Top Mountain Bike Blog
Texas Mountain Bike Trails
This one makes me smile because Shawn over at Texas Mountain Bike trails is a very good friend and incredible supporter of Loving the Bike. With his amazing videos, wicked good content, and passion for cycling….it’s no doubt that Texas Mountain Bike trails has emerged as a top blog in the Mountain Bike world. Way to go, buddy.
Top Lifestyle Cycling Blog
Bikey Face
This was the closest of all categories…..but in the end it was bikeyface who came out on top. If you haven’t ever seen the bike cartoons created by Bekka, then you’re missing out. She really knows how to capture the life and times of cyclists like us…..with brilliant humor and graphics. Congratulations to Bikey Face, a first time winner of this category.
Crank Listed
Thanks to all who voted and helped award the 2013 Top Dogs of the Cycling Blogs. We’ve put together one extensive list of world cycling blogs over at Be sure to check it out and discover all the amazing cycling blogs in the different categories.