31 Day Do Good Challenge: Day 3
Follow along with our 31 Day Do Good Challenge, by Rob Greenfield and start off 2014 in a way that will change your life and those around you.
We all know that taking a bike ride or commute does good things for yourself and the World around you….but now we have 31 additional things to help create even more Good.
I trust that yesterday’s task has got you feeling good and ready to take on day 3.
Day 3: Don’t Buy Anything New Today
For more about Rob Greenfield be sure to follow him on Facebook.

I almost slipped on this one today. I told my guy I would get a game in before he came home, but realized I didn’t need to do it today. Since we always buy used games, it wouldn’t be new precisely, but I still didn’t need to buy it or anything else today.
Ya know…..not sure I’m getting the concept behind some of these “do good” ideas. Not saying they are bad or good, just saying…. So here is the deal, sure buying new goods all the time increases the stream of trash, garbage and so on…but it also creates industry, jobs and trade. Its really a trade off in many ways. I would say, its fine to buy new things, but only if your re-purpose, recycle or replace a truly worn out item. I mean for instance, what if you as a New Years resolution each year replace all of your undies? And this is the day they were on sale? Do you really want to keep wearing last years undies? I’m glad to hear that you don’t reuse groceries or go for used or left overs. And on behalf of your wife, please don’t take her to a used food restaurant for dinner. A vintage film might be fun though, or a ball room dance might be more up her ally (I don’t know the two of you, I’m just saying, yesterdays ways of fun are new all over again). Anyway…. a lot of us were barely able to leave our homes today thanks to the snow storm that hit…but that new snow shovel sure did come in handy. Only kidding. I used a two year old one that is slightly split. Hopefully it will get me through this winter. Enjoy your night out.
Hey Pedalpilot!
Thanks for your thoughts.
As you know the do good is to not buy anything new today, just for one day. It doesn’t say never buy anything new again. It’s a simple message to inspire people to reduce consumption, reuse things, and be happy with what they have. There are many industries, jobs, and trade that can still be supported because their are 1,000’s of ways to buy used and services that don’t sell physical possessions.
Very simple, just one day!
“There are many industries, jobs, and trade that can still be supported
because their are 1,000’s of ways to buy used and services that don’t
sell physical possessions.”
Excellent point Rob! I like this thought and am glad you pointed it out. I’d like to add that there are plenty of industries, jobs and trade that also sell used and repurposed tangible products too!
Okay….like I wrote, its all good!
Beautiful! Love that bike my friend!
AMEN. We gave up buying new things long ago… I always shop used first, and we do a LOT of homemade. In the spirit up upping the ante on this one… not only am I not buying new today, I’m hand making birdseed rings to give to orinthologist friends as mid winter gifts… 🙂
I honestly can’t remember the last time I bought anything new other than gas and groceries. I am planning on taking my Wife out tonight so I’m going to not completely be true to today’s challenge. But on most days I do follow through on this.
Hope you had a wonderful night brother. There are plenty of ways to go out without buying new things too as you know!