Noggin-Box Genius Idea
Here at we love to push the boundaries and introduce new ideas whenever we can to enhance the social experience of you, the reader. The noggin-box genius idea of our very own Darryl (@LovingTheBike), Jim (@bikerly) & Mike (@egggman) to create #bikeschool has expanded the social interaction of the readership of this website to the Nth degree and we love to hear your responses to the weekly organised chaos that is ‘class’.
In my personal quest for infamy as a #bikeschool Professor I’ve been known to throw the odd doosra (‘curve ball’ to you Yankylanders) into the mix at #bikeschool and like to get as much interaction as possible out of you lot, not just during the session, but throughout the week to keep that collective class feeling ticking through until we drop the class-bell bomb. With that in mind I am turning to you; the class members, readers, bloggers, service users and back-row rascals.
We want to hear the stupendous new ideas that you think should be incorporated into #bikeschool to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone. They may not be to a ‘noggin-box’ level of stupendousness but give it a go… you might surprise yourself (and us!). To ensure this doesn’t turn into a blue on blue situation and I don’t destroy the good ship USS Bikeschool we’ll be going through the possible ideas and I will endeavour to trial them during my up coming nights as Professor with the help of the inventor.
So please get your thinking caps on. Is there something you’ve always thought we could do better or with more pizzazz? Or a completely new idea that has been staring us in the goggle-balls for months but we’ve just never seen it? Speak up… let your voices be heard and you might just be crowned The Next Big Thing.
Leave your comments and suggestions below and help make #bikeschool the best, most exciting and interactive 1 hour of Twitter social networking.
Keep The Rubber Side Down

How about this. Create a bikeschool twitter account that only RT’s the questions so that we tardy peeps can catch up.
Oh what a great idea. I was thinking that we could start doing ‘homework’ at the end of class or ‘show-and-tell’ at the beginning of class? 5 min for each or something. Doesn’t have to be a big deal, but it might spice things up a bit? That’s all I can think of right now…..