A Winter of Cyclists
Mike Prendergast is in to tell you about a cool cycling project/challenge he put together that helped create more bicycle commuters…even under chilly and icy riding conditions.
You can view the trailer below, and by leaving your comments on winter bicycle commuting you’re in to win a full version of this film (your choice of rental or purchase). Winner will be selected on Thursday morning…enter now.
A Winter of Cyclists
by Mike Prendergast
Last year, Scot Stucky vowed to not squander his fitness gains from the summer. He would not spend another winter on the couch, and then have to work long and hard in the spring to get back fitness that had slipped away.
Scot, who resides in Colorado, decided to ride his bike through the fall and winter so he could carry a solid base of fitness into spring. His plan was simple: commute to work a total of 52 days between October 1st to March 31st. To ensure accountability, he invited friends to join him in the challenge and received an enthusiastic response. And so the Icy Bike Winter Commuting Challenge was born.
As more and more friends joined him, the growing group decided to create a Facebook page so participants could motivate each other, ask questions, share photos and, of course, brag about riding in challenging weather.
As a bicycle commuter myself, I have often wondered about ways to express the joys and rewards of commuting to others. If people could see and understand how fun and gratifying commuting is, they just might try it.
Scot’s cycling challenge presented the perfect opportunity to capture the trials and wonders of bicycle commuting with an added winter twist. Having tinkered with filming other cycling endeavors, I decided to ride and film a dozen-plus riders in Colorado who had accepted Scot’s challenge. During the winter of filming, I witnessed what it took for these riders to meet their challenge goals. I hope this film will help you continue to ride all winter long, too.
Adventure and Camaraderie
The 12 cyclists filmed during the inaugural Icy Bike Winter Commuting Challenge faced a variety of obstacles, including sometimes snowy weather, riding in the dark, and personal doubt. However, as the season progressed, most of them experienced a new level of fitness, had exciting encounters with wildlife, and found a renewed enthusiasm for their daily work commute.
And through the Facebook page, many also found an unexpected kinship with nearly 200 like-minded riders from across the U.S., Canada, and other countries who joined in the Challenge.
The film, “A Winter of Cyclists” (64 minutes), is their story and captures their winter commuting journey.
View the Movie Trailer:
[youtuber vimeo=’http://vimeo.com/69250231′]
Enter to Win:
Win a copy of the full version (rental or purchase) by leaving your comments on winter bicycle commuting below. Winner announced this Thursday.
(Note: You can rent or buy the film on the ChainRingFilms site; prices vary from $5.99 for a rental to $19.99 for a blue-ray disc.)

is there some way to purchase this film online, digitally?
I am a grandmother in northern Utah where single digit F temps and white-outs are common in the depths of winter. This will be my first year doing this and I am terrified! Mostly of stupid drivers. I am investing in reflective clothing and bike wrappers as well as a snowboarding/biking helmet (for warmth). I have a commuter bike but am not an avid bicyclist as anything more than transportation pretty much everywhere. If you have advice, please share.
The easiest way to do this is to simply sell your car or make it so your bike is your only transportation option. I did and have now been commenting rain or shine. 15 degree or 115 degree days.
I am trying to start commuting by bike but am still biking inside to build up my strength, this could be the motivation I need to get going and show my kids it doesnt matter how old you are.
Back when I was able to commute by bike, Winter was always the hardest time. I found the most difficult thing was learning what to wear at different temperatures. This is made harder if you don’t own a lot of technical cycling gear made for cold weather riding (I didn’t).
While I’m still unable to commute, I do want to ride more this winter than last. I didn’t ride much last winter and ended up hurting myself in April after a long ride with poor prep. Maybe this film will motivate me to get out there even when it is cold…well, as cold as it gets in Austin.
I need to make that kind of commitment to my fitness
I cycle all year round but can always use a little more motivation. Pick me.
This seems like a very encouraging movie for any veteran or newbie winter commuter to get out and ride and overcome any challenge the weather gods would throw at you.
Pick me. I need some extra motivation to get out riding on those chilly mornings.
Looks cool, I’d like to win. It might help me get out there on my bike more this winter.
I commute in Winter, and can stay warm with boots, big mittens, ski goggles, scarves, down coat, etc. I can even get too hot in the down coat, and might have to stash it in my pannier after the first mile or so. The ice though can keep me from biking, However, when going to watch CU basketball games, the parking via bicycle is so good that I will ride in just about any conditions. Having the bike is often so much more convenient than having the car at CU basketball games. And I can leave all of my warm clothes in my bike panniers and don’t have deal with them in my bench seats at the game. Pick me!
Facing winter with a little trepidation. I need some motivation.
Congratulations, Collin. You were randomly choses as the winner. Please send us an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know if you prefer the rental or purchase as well as your contact information.
Collin Congratulations. You can choose a streaming or download version of the film. No need to decide prior to looking over your options. Enjoy watching it and keep riding!
Mike Prendergast -ChainRing Films.
Winter commuting by bike is really an exercise in planning and will. I only missed 3 days last winter and hope to do as well this year. The video would be cool to have.
Winter Biking in Ottawa – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvnyhMuYxoA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUbIVdzEeG8d3p4CAoYOHT6A and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkbQmXcJjyA&list=UUbIVdzEeG8d3p4CAoYOHT6A
Me! Me! Pick me!