Allriot T-shirt Review
I know you know anything about me, you’ll know that one of my core values is wearing shorts, shades, sandals, and a t-shirt every day of the year. A guy like that better have a whole bunch of t-shirts to choose from, right?
Well, I can honestly say that the majority of my wardrobe is composed of cycling t-shirts….but I do wear others from time to time.
Although the shirts I talk about in this video are not of the cycling variety, I am highly recommending them to all of you.
Allriot is a funky online company specializing in the Political/Urban Activist theme…..and they make some wicked shirts. They have awesome customer service as well (Thanks, Margarita).
Now when I say Political, I mean more like anti-political….and I for one love the messages they are getting across. Think of them as a FTW, positive anarchy brand. Check out more in this video highlighting a few of their shirts:
[youtuber youtube=’’]