Balance Bikes: Creating New Cyclists
It seems like forever that I’ve been waiting for this day to come. It’s been about a year since the good folks over at Kazam sent me a balance bike for my little boy, and we’ve been waiting to ride it ever since.
You see, my youngest Son is vertically challenged like his Parents so ever since we received it he’s been way too short to reach the ground while on the bike. But he has loved it since that very first day. If you remember back to a little video I posted when he was one years old, you’ll see just how bicycle obsessed he’s been since he was born. (Here’s the link to “My Baby Loves the Tour“)
We brought the balance bike with us here to Grenada and as my Son got bigger he started playing around with it more and more. Sometime over the past couple months, he was finally able to touch the ground and feel comfortable….and he’s been zipping around the living room ever since. He honestly does not put this bike down.
So we finally decided it was time to take it to the street and let him ride.
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Balance bikes are fantastic. When it comes to learning to ride a bike, the biggest thing is creating balance. Training wheels are good for letting kids feel comfortable on the bike, but they don’t do anything for balance. Having this Kazam is going to let my Son become comfortable on the bike while creating balance at the same time.
I haven’t read up on all the statistics, but I’m pretty sure it’s been proven that balance bikes create new cyclists faster and easier than the traditional training wheel method.
I’m sold on what these bikes can do, and I’m glad we had the opportunity to use one for my little cyclist. He’s going to be ready for a pedal bike in no time, and believe me….this proud cycling Dad is going to be posting those memories on here as well.

This is so cool. I haven’t seen them before. I have been so busy I am WAY behind on my LTB posts. I love the concept though. Not sure how much commercial success these guys are having but if people hear about it I am sure they could do well.
Any kid that age would love these.
Way to go River! Soon you will be outriding your Dad. The smiles are the true meaning of Loving the Bike.
Thanks, Mark. He’s been a bicycle lover since he was born so I know he’s going to outride me soon. I love seeing how excited he is to ride his bike.
Is there anything special I should be looking for when buying a balance bike for my kids?
Good question, Nancy. Balance bikes are pretty basic, but I would recommend you having your child test ride a couple in the store to see what they feel most comfortable with. If that’s not possible, I think you’ll be okay with any of the options.
That’s so cute! He looks like he is nearly ready for an upgrade!
Yeah, he’s already asking for a pedal bike…..and you know I can’t wait to get him one.