Behind the Scenes at NAHBS 2011
I’ll be having a bunch of posts and updates from the 2011 North American Handmade Bicycle Show happening in Austin this weekend, but here is your first look at all the goodness. I was lucky enough to hang out during yesterday’s set up of the show and get a behind the scenes look at the whole thing coming together. Check out the “Sneak Peek” video and some quick shots of the action. It’s already a given that this is going to be the best NAHBS ever. It’s on….watch for updates today and over the weekend.
The Rapha display going up……this will be one of Chris‘ favorite places this weekend.
The Italian Cinelli crew unboxing all the goodness
Boo Bicycles designer and master craftsman, James Wolf getting things set up for the show
Uncrating the bikes at NAHBS
Priority Cycles is a Family Affair: The Madsen’s and Baby Reyna
It’s ON….see you at NAHBS 2011

Exciting stuff … can’t wait to see what you see!
You and your camera would have definitely liked to have been there today.
I will be by the show this morning! Hope to see you there! I will keep up with your tweets.