Best Tool For Changing Road Bike Tires
Okay, so here’s some bike guru advice for all of you on changing tires on your road bike. If it has to do with bikes or cycling, you can bet that my buddy Victor Jimenez has the best tips for you.
Here he is below giving you his advice on the best tool for changing road bike tires:
If you have questions about the mechanics of your bike or improving the fit between you and your bicycle, please be sure to send them in to Ask the Bike Tech. Consider Victor your own private bicycle expert. Send your questions to: [email protected].

Walk or cycle these 13 wooden structures and be amazed at what railroaders did a century ago to stitch together the province of British Columbia. After it opened in 1915 the Kettle Valley Railway earned the nickname of McCulloch’s Wonder for chief engineer Andrew McCulloch. The KVR later became part of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s network of steel rails and paddlewheel ferries. Now it’s a rail trail stretching across the southern interior part of the province. A good piece of advice from those riders, “remember that the Kettle Valley Rail Trail, while well marked in some areas, can seem a bit remote at others. It’s wise to have a general idea of your distances, times and direction before setting out on your trip.”You can see this site.
I use a kool little gadget called a quick stick… nice tire levers 5$ at the lbs. Life time breakage warranted
I use Pedro’s Tire Levers to get started in taking the tire off, but have been pretty successful in using just my hands after that. Makes me feel almost like a real cyclist! 🙂