Big Time Discounts on Awesome Cycling Clothing
Come on, who doesn’t want to rep our sport of cycling in any way shape or form….at all times and places? Yeah, it feels great being seen in cycling t-shirts and clothing when you’re away from the bike. I know I sure do love it.
Well, I recently came across a company called Après Vélo and branded them as my highest quality line up of cycling t-shirts. I’m back again to tell you about an incredible sale they have on…..but it ends on Friday.
If you trust my opinion, you can jump on this chance to get anything you want from Après Vélo and save big time.
Simply head over to, and when you’re checking out your cart add in the Loving the Bike reader discount code: LBCYCOSALE
Sale ends on Friday, so treat yourself right now.

When you first published this I had looked at these shirts, but did not order because shipping was very expensive, nearly the cost of the shirt. I just looked at the site and found that for a limited time the having free shipping worldwide! Not that is a great deal and I will be sure to order some. You should notify your readers before it is gone.