Bike Adventure Film to Promote Road Sharing
It’s hard to keep up with all the people launching fantastic bicycle projects out there, but every so often we like to highlight them when we can. This time around it’s a bicycle awareness video by a guy named Pearson Constantino, and he’s hoping that his crowdfunding campaign can help him launch. Their campaign ends on Thursday so there’s only a couple more days if you want to help fund them.
Here’s the information as explained by Julia Wrona.
The Long Bike Back
by Julia Wrona
From the time I met Pearson Constantino in 1999 I heard about the bike tours that he and his brother Pete did as kids and the ‘epic’ trip they planned to take across America. But after Pearson was hit and severely injured by an SUV, this long dreamed trip across the country finally solidified. Pearson said he wanted to bike across the US to encourage safer roads and more bicycle travel and this motivated me to document his story of recovery and perseverance.
As I followed his rehab and his ride across the US, I became committed to working for safe passing laws, improved bicycle infrastructure, and creating empathy for cyclists. And for the past few years, I’ve edited The Long Bike Back with that in mind. The editing is now complete and we’re working on a summer release. For 90 minutes audiences (including drivers) will be able to experience the freedom, joy, and exhilaration of cycling as well as the vulnerability on the roads; there is no better way to create empathy and understanding than to allow someone to experience another’s perspective.
In order to release The Long Bike Back we need some help with the cost of the final technical processes (color correction and sound mixing) which is why we’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign: (There are also perks for contributing, like a DVD, soundtrack, photo book, and more)
Here’s the film’s trailer, which illustrates Pearson’s spirit, the mission, and some of the amazing miles of cycling he and Pete covered.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
A note from Pearson Constantino:
It’s been almost seven years since a stranger changed my life. Cycling across America was the mission for my recovery, to reignite my spirit and give me something to focus on.
While gearing up for the trip, the growing number of car-bike collisions, fatalities and hit-and-runs really broke my heart and infuriated me. So, my goal shifted from just being able to ride my bike to wanting to shine a big light on the epidemic of car-on-bike crashes.
My bike trip took on an extra layer, it wasn’t just about cycling across the United States it was about spreading a message: two and four wheeled vehicles can coexist. Drivers and cyclists need to work together so that both can use the roadways safely.
I made speeches and presentations, visited schools and bike clubs, and made many friends. Once the trip was underway, things changed again. We stayed on message, but as my body began to feel the strain of the difficult and, at times, absurd pace that I poorly planned, I struggled to stay on schedule.
I fell off the bike seven times, over-filled my tires causing 20 flats, broke my rear derailleur, crashed into my brother destroying his brakes, got clipped by a minivan, suffered brutal food poisoning twice, sprained my wrist, and was faced with difficult choices. But it was an incredible tour, one that I am looking forward to sharing with audiences.

Very very cool