#bikeschool and Tacos
If you’ve ever tuned into the #bikeschool tweet chat, you’d likely have seen a bunch of tweets that include some sort of Taco reference. So what is the fascination with #bikeschool and tacos you may ask? Well, #bikeschool really has a life and identity of it’s own and the more weeks that go by, the more personality it seems to get.
I’m not sure which exact class it can be traced back to, but all it took was for a couple #bikeschool tweets to go out talking about Tacos and everyone was hooked. It’s definitely the food of choice for our #bikeschool classmates….and a fine choice it is.
Not only have tacos become the popular choice meal during #bikeschool, it’s also been the fire behind the creation of the @tacomakingrobot. I won’t even begin to explain this one, but through a bunch of creative minds and crazy #bikeschool tweets….the Taco Making Robot was created and has become the mascot of our popular one hour tweet chat. It’s just another one of those things that sets #bikeschool apart from the rest…..come on, what other twitter chats have their own mascot?
All this taco talk has spun off another cycling hashtag by one of our students, Katie. They call it #tacoriders and it’s all about getting out for some nice riding and then celebrating with Tacos and beer after the ride.
If you haven’t yet joined in for one of our #bikeschool classes, we invite you to come check out all the cycling fun and taco madness. It happens every Thursday night from 9PM to 10PM EST. If you’re one of our #bikeschool veterans, thanks for all the great times and for helping us continually form and mold the ever changing #bikeschool.

Taco tip of the day…SAZON! 😉
Nice, we have a little taco shack around the corner called El Sazon and I never actually checked it out to see what it meant until I saw your comment here today.
Nice one, Darryl. And now I’m hungry for breakfast tacos.
I traced back the origin once. @Tacomakingrobot:twitter was first described at #bikeschool by @betweenstations:twitter and soon after @anaphase:twitter created the logo above. Brilliant! I think #tacomakingrobot has potential to be bigger than the George Foreman grill.
I’ll check with George and see what he thinks of that.