#bikeschool: Fat Cyclist
Many of you will have read the trials and tribulations of Elden Nelson, more commonly known as ‘Fat Cyclist‘, on his fantastic blog. The longstanding blog, cited by many as being the finest collection online, has charted the news, satire and heart-felt peaks and troughs of life for many years now. Fat Cyclist will be joining us at this week’s #bikeschool and there will be a special competition giveaway, but more of that later.
With the launch of his first book, “Comedian Mastermind: The Best of FatCyclist.com, 2005-2007” Fat Cyclist has completed the first stage of his Big Idea and well on his way to creating a lasting legacy to honour the memory of his late wife, Susan, and to provide help and advice to many people around the world in attempt to improve their quality of life in the face of cancer. His own plans are of course best described by Fatty himself, so please take some time read why he does what he does here.
Comedian Mastermind
Subtitled as ‘The Best of FatCyclist.com, 2005-2007’ the first published work from the Fat Cyclist gleans from six and a half years of writing and around 1500 stories. Take it from someone who writes just one or two articles a week, those numbers are very impressive and are a testament to the subject knowledge, personal dedication and following that the Fat Cyclist has created.
Comedian Mastermind is the best stuff I wrote in the early years of my blog (as well as quite a few of my best stories for Cyclingnews.com and BikeRadar.com)
The book is packed full of full news articles, rides and stories that have been taken from the early years of the blog, however the book is more than the blog bound in paper. There are new additions to each article in the form of footnotes and forwards so for even the most loyal reader who’s been there since the beginning, there should be something new. The book has also been through the same rigorous editing procedures as any other published work which means “for the first time ever — you’ll get to see what my stories are like when they’re not a rushed first draft” (his words not mine!)
Although the pre-ordering of the book ended in November and shipments are on their way for Christmas, there are still copies available, priced at a “I like Fatty” price of $19.95 all the way up to a “I REALLY Love Fatty” price of $39.95 which will net you a signed copy with a personal message from the author himself. If you’ve read about his Big Idea you’ll realise why it is so important for people to buy the book and that an extra $10 to purchase a signed copy will, in the long run, make a MASSIVE difference to thousands of lives when the dream of ‘The Cancer Caretaker’s Companion’ comes to fruition. A truly great goal, powered by the life lessons learned.
The Giveaway
Fat Cyclist will be joining us this Thursday at #bikeschool and will be giving away a copy of his new book, “Comedian Mastermind: The Best of FatCyclist.com, 2005-2007”. His technique for deciding who should be the lucky recipient of the book is a closely guarded secret but be sure to be in class on time to be in with a chance of winning (ask nicely and he might even sign it for you!)
Keep The Rubber Side Down

I was thinking of getting one of his books so I guess I should tune to #bikeschool this week and see if I can win one. Is he giving away a signed copy? I’ve only been to #bikeschool a few times before and this is good incentive for me to return.
Good question…..it should be a signed copy since it will be coming directly from him, but we’ll have to check with him and get back to you.
Sure, I’ll sign it!
I love Fatty. So nice to see you guys highlighting him today. I can’t wait to see him at bikeschool.
I haven’t read his blog much lately, but this book might be a good way to catch up.