#bikeschool Has Taken on a Life of it’s Own
I guess I’ve always known that #bikeschool had a life of its own, but now it’s official. It’s getting close to three years since @egggman, @bikerly, and I launched the hashtag that rocked the world of Twitter….and it hasn’t stopped since.
Week after week, #bikeschool becomes a trending hashtag on Thursday nights, but that’s only part of its success. What makes it so amazing is the community that has taken it on as their own.
Whether it’s the rogue classes that occur on a rare week that there is no official class, or the fact that so many people base their weekly schedules around #bikeschool…there’s no denying that it has it’s own identity.
It’s funny, #bikeschool was started by three guys who had never met in person….and barely knew one another. Nearly three years later, the three originators barely talk (if ever)….but #bikeschool remains stronger than ever.
For the first part of its life, I never missed a minute of #bikeschool…but as it’s grown and been able to stand alone, I don’t get to class as often as I should. I love attending, but sometimes other things get in the way of me being there.
But it feels so great knowing that it has the power to live on its own and that it continues to bring in new followers all the time. That is so cool.
So here’s to #bikeschool, the hashtag that has helped connect the cycling community on Twitter…and provided a ton of good times and memories along the way.
Thanks to our amazing community of #bikeschool classmates, and to @steviedexter and @twittyboyd who have been an incredible part of creating the monster that is #bikeschool.
Viva #bikeschool

I love #bikeschool. Thanks for creating it for all of us to enjoy.
I have’t been following #bikeschool since the beginning but I have been there for the past few months. I enjoy the comments and seem to learn a few things along the way as well.
To use the phrase coined by @twittyboyd, WORLD CYCLISTS UNITE. It was through #bikeschool that I have met so many wonderful worldwide. No matter what you ride, or even if you don’t. Check out #bikeschool. You will meet new friends, have many laughs, and you might even learn something. (Disclaimer, Learning is not garanteed.) #Bikeschool Rocks!