#bikeschool: LEG LUBE Review


Here at LovingTheBike.com we have hit the ground running in 2012 and I have no doubt that the vast majority of you are the same. With the prospect of a great year of cycling ahead whether it be for your own fitness or in competition why not have a new year’s resolution that is going to benefit you and you can actually keep up…!? Like leg shaving! We have been working with the chaps at LEG LUBE recently and are proud to bring you a review of their signature product. So read on and then treat yourself… you deserve it.


I’ve had many friends, male and female, laugh and guffaw at the hairy status of my legs since I took the decision to ‘go pro’ and start shaving. Although most of the girls are actually impressed with the superior job I do I think that’s probably down to how careful I am due to an inherent fear I’m going to sever an artery despite having done it loads of times. If you still haven’t bitten the bullet, just do it… it feels lovely on fresh bed sheets and is always a great way to start a conversation when you’re wearing shorts in the summer! Now that I’ve convinced those of you who still wear the hairy leg warmers to make the final sacrifice to be accepted into the full cycling brotherhood you should be rewarded…

Treat yourself

I have been testing a bottle of LEG LUBE for around a month now and I’ve been really impressed by the product. I have to confess and say that up until being sent a bottle of this gorgeous smelling ‘lube’, I have been using normal hair shampoo to shave with so having the LEG LUBE, which is designed purely for that purpose felt really nice and quite a treat to use. [Ed: The reasons for using shampoo are not completely clear to even myself]

The product is described as being ‘created by athletes – for athletes’ which makes a big difference I can assure you. There has been a lot of thought that has gone into the bottle of LEG LUBE; from the ‘unisex’ scent that appeals to both men and women and wont leave you feeling self-conscious, to the size of the bottle, which has been approved by the Transportation Security Administration so it is safe to travel with across the globe. That in itself is a great feature as it secures the brand being able to travel all over the world with athletes rather than being dispensed into small clear bottles.

A major advantage of this product is that you can use it wet or dry, giving it a versatility that you don’t get with most grooming products. For some people shaving is something they are happy to do without the bathtub, bubbles and scented candles… if that’s you then LEG LUBE is the product for you. As long as your legs are clean and dry you can still massage the gel in and it works great. The instructions for use say that “one bead is all you need” and at first I thought this was a little bit of an exaggeration. As you apply the LEG LUBE gel and start shaving it does have a tendency to dry out quickly. No need to fear though, a quick splash of water or a wet hand giving the gel a rub and it rejuvenates it and keeps the friction reducing properties alive. This is something you can’t do with most other products as the water would simply wash it away. Another score for LEG LUBE. And did I mention you can use it to shave just about anything!? By this I mean, head, face, bikini etc… not sheep… don’t try and shave sheep!


This is a great product that really has been thought about. There is nothing wrong with using soap and water (or shampoo as I used to do), but LEG LUBE shows there is a product out there that aids the shaving process, looks after the skin and doesn’t put a dent in your macho image. I’ve really enjoyed using LEG LUBE and at just $8.95 USD for a 100ml bottle it wont be breaking the bank. The only problem I have is that there are currently no international distributors meaning the international shipping cost of a bottle may negate me affording to use it once my supply runs dry I’ve just been reliably informed that they now ship internationally! WOOP! There are a range of online distributors as well as local shops that stock LEG LUBE here and I urge you to get to the store and try a bottle. We spend so much money on carbon, lycra, and supplements isn’t it time you treated yourself and had a bit of luxury!? LEG LUBE = LUXURY.

LEG LUBE is simple to use and provides a super smooth shave. It’s also perfect for travel.

Rebecca Rusch, 6x World Champion – 3x Leadville 100 Winner

LEG LUBE Performance Shave Gel improves your leg shaving experience. My legs are smoother and I haven’t had any ingrown hairs.

Michael Barry, Professional Cyclist & Author of Razor’s Edge: Shaving Your Legs for Cycling

I LOVE YOUR PRODUCT! It smells great, is easy to use and my skin feels soft and moisturized. I used it in the shower and can’t wait to use it for quick “touch ups” on my way to yoga. It will be perfect for that on-the-go-shave!

Corie, Boulder Colorado

Competition Time…

For your chance to win this weeks competition sponsored by the great guys at LEG LUBE we want you to tell us your own shaving stories. We have already heard some of them but this weeks contest is all about honesty. So tell us your woeful tales of your first time shaving or the crazy products you have used in the past. Do you have any superstitions or rituals you have to perform to ensure shaving and racing perfection!? Let us know in the comments section below and the best/worst/craziest answer will win a prize!

This contest is now closed.  Congratulations to KMatlock and thanks to all who entered.



Enjoy Your Ride

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11 Responses to “ #bikeschool: LEG LUBE Review ”

  1. KMatlock on January 17, 2012 at 11:29 pm

    i have two stories. the first happened about mid season and for some reason my g/f at the time convinced me to try Veet instead of using my conventional razor/gel setup. i followed the directions to the T and when i get out of the shower from rinsing everything off. 20 minutes later i look like a lobster. apparently my skin is too sensitive for anything but a 5 blade razor and gel/cream setup. i think the burn lasted about a week or so.

    the second was during my first year of serious cycling. i was on the bike every night for hours at a time it seemed. i had shaved before but had been neglecting my legs since i was on break from school and didnt want to be bothered with it. one of my friends called me one saturday morning and invited me to a rather large group ride 30+ people. i quickly jumped in the shower and got to shaving my legs i think it was the fastest i have ever done so. and it showed. after the ride i felt great it was a good mix of climbing and flats, slow comfy pace as well as blistering fast. after we got the bikes stored away we all went and grabbed some lunch at a local cafe. while i was sitting in the booth waiting on my food i reached down to scratch the back of my left leg when i felt something that wasnt quite smooth skin. i kicked my leg out from under the table and peered down at 4 or 5 long strips of hair that were missed during my attempt at a world record for speed shaving. the strips of “fur” were between 1/4 and 3/4 inches wide and went from my ankle to the back of my knee. as if i wasnt embarrased enough by this someone got some awesome pictures of me climbing one of the hills with my left leg at the bottom of the stroke and all you notice is the black strips on my calf. im sure if i was still in touch with that wonderful group of people i would still hear about it today.

    • Tristinmorgan on January 17, 2012 at 11:35 pm

      *giggle* KMatlock is my fiance and the much funnier part about him shaving it the first time he shaved he looked like he had these little hair shorts on (he is very hairy), now he has to shave high because of our light colored race kits and now has some sort of odd hair shirt. Makes me laugh all the time!

      • Stevie Dexter on January 18, 2012 at 7:39 am

        Ah! The hairy underpants look! It’s a decision every rider must make. I personally cannot bair the hairy shorts… and MrsD would laugh even harder if I did! LOL

    • Stevie Dexter on January 18, 2012 at 7:38 am

      I’ve offen toyed with the idea of Veet but alsways been put off by the flowery wording on the container which basically says “if you get this wrong your legs will melt off”. Not for me!

      The discovery of a bad cut is always disappointing, especially if everyone has seen it. I’m a bit superstitious in the sense that I don’t shave the morning of a race/ride so you may have annoyed the cycling Gods with your speed shaving… hence the zebra stripes left behind!

      Let’s see this picture too!

    • Darryl is Loving the Bike on January 18, 2012 at 1:24 pm

      Hi @431ade274f5f0a2cb25376e9ed4d5fe2:disqus you’re the winner of some nice smelling, leg smoothing, Leg Lube.  Please send you name and mailing address to me at darryl(at)lovingthebike.com.  Congratulations.

    • Darryl is Loving the Bike on January 18, 2012 at 1:43 pm

      Hi KMatlock, you’re the winner of some nice smelling, leg smoothing, Leg Lube.  Please send you name and mailing address to me at darryl(at)lovingthebike.com.  Congratulations.

  2. Koifla on January 17, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    When people ask why I shave my legs I say I am already prepped for the E.R. I feel better for my massage therapist too.

  3. James on January 17, 2012 at 11:52 am

    I just started shaving my legs at the end of last season.  If leg lube smells nice maybe my wife won’t think I’m as strange as she did when I shaved last year.

  4. Kendall on January 17, 2012 at 10:47 am

    I use regular shaving gel and a Shick quattro for women razor – the only razor I have found that I don’t turn my legs to hamburger with. 

    Funny story: The wife and I were shopping one time, and I realized that I was out of razors while we were at the checkout. I ran back to grab a pack, and came back up after my wife was finished. I set my purchase down on the counter, the cashier – a lady in her mid 50’s looked at the razors, up at me, and back down at the razors. My wife, in her most unhelpful play-mocking tone, chimed in “they’re for him, he’s a cyclist”. The cashier looked down at the razors, and back at me one more time. She then said “You two remind me of me and my husband, ‘cept he don’t shave his legs.” 

  5. Julie Starling on January 17, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Don’t try and shave sheep!  hahahahaha

  6. Darryl is Loving the Bike on January 17, 2012 at 8:40 am

    Nicely done, Stevie…..always love your humor and descriptions.  On our recent trip to Hawaii I took my bottle of Leg Lube so that I wouldn’t have to bother with the hassle of a regular shaving cream can….and it worked great on my face.  I wasn’t used to having such a nice smell after shaving, so that was a bonus as well.  I met the husband and wife team of Leg Lube owners in Austin recently and they told me that some more new and exciting products will be coming out from them soon.


    October 2024
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to www.apexnutritionllc.com.

Nutrition Tips