#bikeschool: Vacation Vacation Vacation
As time has gone on and #bikeschool has grown in popularity, our online community has forged many friendships along the way. Due to these friendships and a shared passion some class members have been lucky enough to travel across States and Counties to meet up and even ride with one another. Although I have not personally been lucky enough to meet up with any of my fellow class mates, I believe that the opportunity this gives people to hang out and meet new people, potentially from all over the world, is the greatest achievement of #bikeschool. It has created connections, laughs, jokes, nicknames and a few internet phenoms!
So now is the time that we all need to come together… in mind and then hopefully in person. We’d like you all to discuss with us the demand and logistics for the first official #bikeschool vacation, preferably on planet Earth. Everyone will have their favourite destinations either based on previous experience, current location or a desire to see and ride a particular country or State. All we ask that people are open to others’ suggestions and all options are able to be discussed in a positive and adult manner. For instance, I would personally suggest a European venue… as I like in the UK and it would be much easier for me! But… I’m well aware of the traveling distance and cost implications that a Euro tweet-up would have on most of my North American colleagues. This discussion is aimed at finding the best vacation for as many #bikeschool classmates as possible. Of course, it’s entirely possible there could be more than one meet up… let’s discuss!
As it is almost June it is slightly unrealistic to think that we may be able to organise something for this summer as by now most people will have made other, less #bikeschool orientated plans! [ED – Did you see how I spelt organiSe with an S!? Spell checker hates it, you probably hate it… but this is the UK baby! That’s how I roll!] Anyway…! We think that late December would be a good time to set off this firecracker of an idea and have the inaugural #bikeschool Tweetup, with a view to creating a summer vacation in 2012. This is truly open to discussion and we want to hear all of your ideas; from 20 class-mates sleeping on the floor of someones apartment in New York city and experiencing ‘city’ riding for the first time, to some bad-ass hill climbing in California, or even some winter bike riding madness through the snowy passes of Canada. This could be your vacation destination so make your views known!
If you are still not convinced that this is a good idea, take a look at this video and see how the Rapha Continental team do there vacations! If this doesn’t give you tingles in places that you shouldn’t get tingles, maybe you should stay at home!
Friends Pain Laughs Sweat Hills Bikes Smiles Speed Vistas Ecstasy Suffering
Please use the comments box below and the #bikeschool hashtag to discuss the class vacation. If there are any class-mates heading to Le Tour this July, I will be there for the first week so let me know!

Italy would be my first choice but am open to other locations.
I’m in Central NY and my (complete lack of) budget only allows for day trips. Anywhere around NY or NYC, Northern PA, Eastern Ohio works. Even Canada Near the NY border. Kingston, Ontario, CA is really fun. If I was not a full time college student with a family I’d just need to know where and when to meet and I’d be there. BTW: New York’s Fingerlakes region and wine country are fantastic riding all summer long. You’d be surprised.
Interbike, Vegas, September. Be there! Bike social media gatherings galore, even for those who cannot get a show pass per se
Seriously thinking about it, dude. I’ll let you know soon.
Another fantastic post, Stevie….you’ve really got me thinking now. First of all, I would absolutely love to be there with you for the Tour in July…that has got to be a future #bikeschool meet up for sure. I’ve also been tossing around the idea of a #bikeschool meet up in Puerto Rico in early January.
I’ve been very lucky and have been able to meet up with so many great Twitter friends including @bikerly, @shitcyclistsays, @dboyd22, @G2_4Ster, @shannonruns, @rikaguilera, @LivestrongTEXAS, @kweenkmatt , and so many others. It’s funny, as I sit here thinking about the people I’ve met up with in person I start thinking about a lot of others who I haven’t yet met in person….but if feels like I have. Pretty incredible how a good Twitter friend can feel so close that I feel like I’ve met them in person. Cool.
It’s funny isn’t it?! I felt like I already knew everyone I met after we were already Twitter friends, including you Darryl! Puerto Rico in January!!??? SuWEEET!!
And I met Heather after taking a photo of her backside in Sacramento.
I was trying hard to think of a nice witty comment for that one…..but just can’t seem to think of anything that won’t get me in trouble. Nice one, Richard. I hope to meet up with both of you over in California some time soon.
I like the idea of regional get-togethers. I am out of vacation time for this year, so hopefully it can be organised in NY. 🙂 (In fact, I’m happy to help lead a city ride)
Also consider that we have a diversity of abilities throughout our #BikeSchool group and may need to split up the rides/routes on a tweet-up ride to accommodate everyone.
Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!! And I don’t care where! That is all. :-DD
Awesome, Stevie! I do love your commentary. December did you say? Someplace warm I think. Wouldn’t it be cool to camp out at @lovingthebike headquarters in Austin? We could do our part in keeping Austin weird and maybe (you) could chase down thong man.
OK, I’ll go first…
I’ll start with what was, for me, the genesis of the #bikeschool jerseys – a team for RAGBRAI. This is a weeklong ride across the state of Iowa at the end of July. Seven days of biking, beer, and PIE as you ride through the cornfields and Mayberrys that dot Iowa’s landscape. And no, it’s not all flat. Several classmates have ridden/regularly ride RAGBRAI and can help everyone prepare (what to bring, etc).
Of course, a week in France would be awesome riding some of the Tour stages. But alas, waaaaaaayyyyy out of my budget.
Other thought – what about activities for non-riding spouses/signif others? RAGBRAI is not too conducive for that.
And Stevie, yes, I caught the “organiSe” spelling. Bloody English don’t even know their own bloody language! HA! Professor Higgins was right!