#bikeschool Turns 3
Yesterday marked the three year anniversary of #bikeschool. When @bikerly first mentioned the idea of #bikeschool to me, I never would have imagined it would grow to what it’s become today. Back then, twitter chats were scarce and many people didn’t even understand them…..and many still don’t today. But those who jumped in (and continue to jump) have quickly realized the fun times and great relationships that can be built from tweeting with like minded people.
If you haven’t yet read about the early beginnings of #bikeschool, you can read all about it here: The Origins of #bikeschool.
There were three of us who initially launched #bikeschool, @bikerly, @egggman, and myself. At the time, we had never met…..and had barely even gotten to know one another. But we came together, built something rather remarkable…..and then sort of just drifted apart.
@bikerly has eased out of the social media scene. I’ve found myself occupied with so many other projects that I don’t get to #bikeschool on a regular basis. But @egggman seems to have remained a fairly regular student. The three of us owe a lot to the #bikeschool savior…..@twittyboyd. Thanks to Marty, class has continue to grow and thrive.
There is no doubt that #bikeschool is the absolute biggest cycling tweet chat on the internet, and there’s no doubt that it will continue to trend each week…..and bring together bike related people from around the world.
Please join us this Thursday at 9PM EST as we turn things around and let the class ask us questions. Yes, for the first time in over a year….all three original founders of #bikeschool will reunite for an hour of bikey fun.
If you can’t make it, but have a question for us…..please leave it here in the comments section.