#bikeschool: Yearbook 2.0
As the #bikeschool Twitter session is growing stronger and stronger we are gaining new students every week, which made me remember about our beloved Yearbook. If you are new to class you may not realise there is a wealth of information on your fellow classmates here at LovingTheBike.com.
So please read through all the wonderful facts about the classmates you will meet each Thursday… and then send in your own! I want to more than double the size of this Yearbook with the new classmates (and those older ones who didn’t send one in the first time! You know who you are!) Check out the original post below and then get emailing! Enjoy!
(The following article was first published on the 10th of May 2011)
A little while ago I introduced the idea of creating a yearbook for #bikeschool and suggested a video of your personal biking bio would be a great way to get to know and SEE the Tweeps behind the Tweets. Now I’m not going to retract my statement that this was a great big noggin-box genius type of idea but I will admit it may have been somewhat misguided to think that everyone had the time, technology, capabilities and inclination to get out there and produce a video. You will be pleased to hear though that the idea has not been laid to rest and after many people commented on the idea a few weeks ago at #bikeschool, I thought it was time we started the roll call. The Professors/Rascals have their very own bio pages over at the #bikeschool EVOLution page so feel free to check them out too.
Roll Call
This is a process that is going to rely heavily on you as class members to send in your personal bio’s with as little or as much information as you are willing to divulge! A photo, a very short bio and 140 characters is all you have to define yourself on Twitter, but here is you chance to extend that and tell us anything and everything. You can view my video-bio below and also a great list of #bikeschool students have entered their names in pictures into #bikeschool history in the first edition of the #bikeschool Yearbook. This will be a ‘living document’ so if you haven’t sent in you bio yet, it can still be added. All bio’s should be sent with a picture to [email protected] and they will be uploaded here for the world to see! There is also a special, limited edition, never ever repeated bike video of me at the bottom of the page.
@StevieDexter – Stevie Dexter
(ED – Please be aware I do not usually sound so boring!? I think it may have been some sort of Seasonal Affect Disorder!)
Stevie – Most likely to be carted off to the ‘Noggin-Box’ asylum.
@dboyd22 (Dave Boyd)

@MarkBeaky (Mark Beaconsfield)
Husband. Father of 2, and a bike lover.
I have lived my whole life “car free”. My bike is my main form of transportation. From commuting, to going to the shops and everything in between. I also love to get out for a recreational ride whenever I can. When I’m not riding, I am usually spending time with the family or watching cycling! I also like watching Australian rules football (Go the Mighty Bombers!) and English premier league (Arsenal). I strongly beleive my need to get “More people cycling, more often”
[ED: As a Collingwood fan I had trouble writing that Bombers bit… but the memory of the 2010 Anzac day smash & grab helped me through it!]
Mark – Most likely to develop saddle-shaped sit bones
Kayla Beaconsfield
I am a 11 year old girl who loves to ride my bike. I usually go riding with my dad. I would like to race bikes when I get older. I started joining in with #bikeschool when I saw my dad doing it and thought “That looks like fun”. I dont have twitter yet but when I’m with dad, we use #Kayla so people know its me.
Kayla – Most likely to grow up and race bikes!
@shitcyclistsays (Heather Nielson)
This is my 4th year racing. I went from a Cat 4 to a Cat 2 in 12 months and then starting racing Pro/1/2 last year. I got on the top women’s team in Northern California (Touchstone Climbing Women’s Elite Cycling Team) and have been working
as a domestique for the 2010 and 2011 seasons. I’m still developing as an athlete but have been told that I have the natural body-type to climb well and have a ‘spring-classics’ type of ‘punch’. It takes a long time to develop as an athlete and I absolutely love the sport and the bike. I’m heavily involved in the cycling community here and in the Sacramento Valley Velodrome Association and I’m trying to build my coaching clientele and do clinics, you can find more information on my coaching here.
Hhhmmmm as far as my history goes – I did dabble in multiple sports growing up: Tennis, softball, soccer, & basketball. Going into college I got pretty into hiking, camping and mountain biking, which I guess that’s when I fell in love with the bike. I did my first road bike race and fell in love with the sport of road bike racing. I like to mountain bike still -but just for fun and getting outside. I take road racing far more seriously 😉 I still remember when I wanted to buy my first 10 speed – I think I was 12 or something? My mom said I had to work to save up 1/2 the money and she would pay for the other half so I mowed lawns until I earned the money. I still remember the day I rode it home for the first time from the store 😀
Heather – Most likely to steal your hat then charge you training fees as you chase her to get it back.
@BobRidesABike (Bob Avery)
At age 45, with weight and cholesterol numbers starting to creep upwards, my doctor said that I should get some regular exercise. I haven’t been exercising regularly since I was in high school when I ran cross country and did road running in the summer. With an artificial hip, running is out as an option now. And I have never been much of a swimmer.
Then last January, I heard that RAGBRAI (a week long ride across the state of Iowa) was ending in the town I grew up in. So the need to exercise found a goal to shoot for and my love affair with biking began on St Patrick’s Day, 2010. That spring and summer I logged over 2100 miles to get ready for RAGBRAI. During the last week of July, I joined tens of thousands of others making the trek across Iowa, riding 450 miles or so that week. It. Was. A. Blast.
For some reason though, after RAGBRAI, I didn’t ride all that much. I’d think about it. But one reason (re: excuse) or another came up and I didn’t get out there.
As the winter months wore on, the weight I lost last spring and summer returned… plus some. Then I changed jobs in mid-Feb. My new job is 10 miles from my home. (My old office was 250 miles away.) And there is NO unrestricted parking in the downtown area until at least a mile out. So, now, I am riding at least part way to work everyday. Looking forward to being able to ride all the way soon.
I still try to log some road miles, and participate in scheduled rides like the Minnesota Gran Fondo, the Milwaukee Ride for the Arts, and maybe the last day of RAGBRAI.
I love being on the bike. I am #lovingthebike!
Bob – Most likely to kick your ass all the way across Iowa.
@Seannybucket (Sean Ross)
CAT4 racer and general goof who enjoys Irish Punk!! Oh, and i can rock a blonde curly wig too!!!
Sean – Most likely to be sharing a padded ‘hotel suite’ with @StevieDexter.
@LillianAzure (Lou Cook)
Name Lou Cook
Nickname Cipo.. Cipofan…asshole
Quote: “Ride something Hard” -Cipofan
Main Bike 2002 Trek 5200
Bike name and bike twitter @LillianAzure
I’ve been riding seriously since 1985 and bike commuted to every job and school since then by bike. I donate my old bikes to friends on the promise that they pass them on to others when they no longer need them. I LOVE Mexican food and I’m one sarcastic son of a bitch who can work a double entendre like a master. (ED – so do you like Mexican food or not!?)
Lou – Most likely to offer you a ride.
@dauphin87 (John Chappell)
I’ve been in the health and fitness business as a gym owner for the past 25 years. I began teaching spin classes over ten years ago even though I had not been on actual bicycle since I was a teenager. In the summer of 2005 my family was on vacation in Yosemite National Park and I noticed that they rented bicycles to the visitors. We rented some bikes and rode around the park all day long. I couldn’t remember when I had had that much fun so the next time we went, I took a bike that belonged to my son and rode that one. Pretty soon I was shopping for a mountain bike which I rode sparingly for a year. I then got the chance to ride Specialized Sirrus hybrid road bike and decided that I really liked the speed and riding on roads. In 2007 I bought my first proper road bike which was a Bianchi Giro with Shimano 105 components. Pretty soon I was regularly riding centuries and double centuries. At the Auburn Criterium in 2010 I began to wonder what it would be like to actually race on a bicycle and this past Sunday, I entered the Masters 35+ Cat 4, 5 race at the 2011 Auburn Criterium along with 50 others. I managed to last until the last couple of laps before being pulled along with another rider. I’ve never entered a race of any kind before in my life and it was quite an experience. It was unbelievably difficult, exciting, and exhilarating all at the same time. Can’t wait to do it again. (ED – Crit racing is a great way to get that racing bug!)
John – Most likely to start collecting race numbers.
@Aaronthestrong (Aaron Madrid)
The mold was broken the day that Aaron Madrid was brought
into the world. Some recall hearing the sound of all of the eagles in the
world, of every size, shape, and colour giving a resounding screech at the
moment he opened his charcoal dark eyes for the first time. His first words
were the lyrics to Queen’s “We are the Champions”; His first steps caused a
volcano in the Pacific Southeast to erupt and create a new tropical island.
Destiny could have taken Aaron down many roads, astronaut, sword fisherman
(fishing with a sword, not for swordfish), Olympic gymnast, or possibly
president of a very prominent local club, however he chose to defy the fates
and choose his own road. Ignoring Frost, he bypassed the path less traveled,
and never bothered to wonder, as Rudyard Kipling would suggest, “If”. After
just one score and seven years, he had conquered the treacherous adventure that
is marriage and moved on to the next leg of his journey becoming a father. His
daughter made him a new man, and provided purpose. She along with his wife, is
his life and his strength. Now, along with his trusty, steel-wheeled steed, he
roams[?] the cities of the Mid-west spreading encouragement and a message of perseverance,
to any and all who will listen. Fueled by passion and coffee, under the nom de
plume, Aaronthestrong, he infects the web spreading good cheer and telling
others of his love for life through text, photo, and video.
“…The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” – Sylvia Plath
Aaron – Most likely to be the first successful breeder of fire-breathing dragons in the United States.
@krissyn12 (Krissy Nelson)
Hey there classmates! My name is Krissy and I’m The Cycling Librarian. Some people may think that librarians are nerdy….and in many cases I would agree….but I’m trying to break that stereotype one bookmark at a time 😉 Not that being a nerd is a bad thing, because I consider myself to be a bike nerd. I’m obsessive about cleaning my bike in the shower….yes, the shower. The shower contains the mess and works well for me since I’m living the “apartment life.” I’m a nerd about cycling jerseys and own more of them than I do pairs of shoes and am always looking to add to my collection. I love things to match! This is so important to me that my next bike is going to be silver so that it matches my Jeep and so goes with nearly all of my kits. Other things I’m “nerdy” about are as follows: Cereal (takes up four cupboards in my kitchen), Nutella, coffee, making lists, and *gasp* reading. So yes, I’m a librarian, and a nerd….but a cool one!
Cycling has always been a passion of mine, but it has deepened over the past ten years. I’m what I call a “serious-recreational cyclist” as I don’t race, but am pretty competitive with myself while on the bike. I like going fast, I like passing people, and I love hills! Riding has always been somewhat of an escape for me and gives me time to blow off steam or just not think at all. As of this past March I am two years sober, and that is largely in part of the redirecting of energy my bike has provided me. Instead of finding a bottle to deal with an issue, I just get on my bike and sweat it out. My bike doesn’t care about who I used to be or the terrible things I’ve done in my life; it just lets me push it; it wants me too.
Cycling is a family thing too. I’ve had the pleasure of riding across Iowa eight times on RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) with my grandfather (79 yrs old), dad, step mom, uncles, aunts, cousins….etc….and truly look forward to July every year so that I can spend time with them. My grandfather was the one who got the rest of us interested in the bike ride and I hope someday that I can ride with my kids (and even grand kids too) on the ride that has been so incredibly special to my family. Our team name is Team Uffda. We’re Norwegian and the word “uffda” is something that one might say if they hit their hand with a hammer, or find they’ve run out of gears while climbing a massive hill. I’m very proud of my team/family and how we all share a love for riding our bicycles.
So that’s pretty much me – Librarian who loves riding her bike (The Cycling Librarian). I don’t take myself too seriously, have lots of fun, and LOVE being a student at Bike School!
Krissy – Most likely to leave you at the bottom of a climb… and then give you the history of the hill once you’ve made it to the top.
@kweenkmatt (Katie Mattison)
I’m Katie. I live in Nyack, NY – just outside NYC. I do some urban riding in the city, but the bulk is road riding in the ‘burbs, along with some CX action on the local bike trails. My town was recently featured as a cycling destination in Bicycling Magazine, and there is a ton of great riding to be had just outside my door. This year I am riding four tours, one of which is in NJ – the rest in NY state. I ride for fun and fitness and look forward to building strength and skill in the process.
Katie – Most likely to have a future in cycle-tour magazine photos.
@twittyboyd (Martha Alejandrina Boyd aka “Marty”)
Born May 15, in Mexico.
Moved to US in the mid 70’s.
Hometown is Las Cruces, NM.
Studied Civil Engineering & Architecture.
Work at TxDOT in Transportation Planning.
I have a passion for the arts, cycling and soccer.
I am married to Shane Boyd. I have three sons: Tim, Justin & Brandon and a beautiful granddaughter, Opal.
I currently live in El Paso, TX., I am a member of the El Paso Bicycle Club and volunteer for the local soccer league, where I plan to referee games soon! (ED – Brave lady!)
Love my #BikeSchool profs and classmates along with my #TwitterStadium soccer buddies.
Martha – Most likely to create the biking equivalent of a ‘soccer-mom minivan’.
@anaphase (Annalisa)
Annalisa is a commuter cyclist with a roadie past. Her first road bike was an 80’s Bianchi, which she acquired at the age of 15 and rode for over 10 years. Currently, she is riding a loop-frame ANT Boston Roadster, building out a Surly Long Haul Trucker, and on the hunt for another Bianchi (in celeste green, of course). Annalisa is also a touring cyclist. She is hoping to do a year-long tour of the US in 2012 and meet as many #bikeschool peeps as she possibly can. (ED – get some water-wings and tour the UK too!)
Annalisa – Most likely to have a bike collection to make you go, “Ooooooo!”
@ChrisBaskind (Chris Baskind)
Chris is the creator of Lighter Footstep, a green lifestyle website. He’s a web designer and environmental writer living in Pensacola, Florida, and plans to debut a new site — CarFree Living — this summer. Chris has been car-free in sprawling suburbia for two years.
Chris – Most likely to tell you how quickly you can kill the planet by sucking, squeezing, banging & blowing.
@kui360 (Kui Kanthatham)
My first bicycle was nowhere near being ‘cool’. I just decided to learn how to ride a bicycle by borrowed without asking (I gave it back so it wasn’t considered stolen);)) an adult bicycle at least three or four sizes too big for me complete with shopping basket in front and just had at it. After many crashes and bent basket, I learned and I was hooked. [ED – I can confirm this is not theft and shall not be hunting down Kui to bring him to justice]
My first real bicycle was the ‘all-I-saved-up’ BMX. It would shape what I am all about and how I ride. Not too long after I had it, I had that whole bike stripped and chromed as many parts as I could. ‘Brakes’ were never put back. It was ‘sliding brake’ only or in an emergency, it was the ‘stick-your-foot-on-front-tire-behind-fork-crown’ braking.
It was the freedom, the wind in my face, the serenity and the empowerment of personalized transportation that got me to fall in love with cycling long before Gearing, Cadence, Lactate Threshold or Nutrition Plans even entered my life …
College and a few years of work took me away from cycling and my BMX which was sadly left rusted back home. One day while at work, one of my best friends walked over and said “Kui, you are doing Tahoe this year.” I had no idea what she was talking about but as a rule with my very best friends, I never say ‘no’. So, just like that, after many years, I was back riding again.
After finishing my first Century, AMBBR ’05 with Team in Training, I never looked back. I found cycling as a great way to settle the score with myself. Whatever frustrations or things that clouded my mind that day, after hitting the first climb, all those will be gone by then. I love to climb and the pains that come along with it. I can be found grinning or even laughing for no apparent reason while climbing and I have a love-hate relationship with switchbacks.
Most important fact about riding with me: “I love getting lost riding as I believe it’s the beginning of a new adventure.” … Ask my peeps, they can attest to that.
Kui – Most likely to get you lost and then laugh in your face when you complain about having to ride back up the hill you just came down!
If you haven’t sent in a bio yet and want the #bikeschool community to know a little more about you send it to [email protected] and keep checking back here for new student-based content!
Until next time, Keep The Rubber Side Down….

Glad you re-wrote about this. I love this idea!
Glad you re-wrote about this. I love this idea!
I somehow missed this on the first round. It’s great to see classmates and what brings them to Bikeschool. One glaring omission though are our fearless leaders, @lovingthebike, @bikerly and @egggman! Come on guys. Every good yearbook has a staff section too.
There are links above to their own bios Dave
I’d be part of Bikeschool, but as Stevie says, at 0200hrs UK time and me getting up at 0500hrs to pedal into work it’s a non-starter! I’ll have to think about a video though for truanting school members! But then again my Brummie accent might be a bit much. Stevie can let you all know about that.
@CliveBees on Twitter
Yeah, it’s not a great time of day for you guys over there in the UK. We’ll have to find a way to make it something that you can more easily take part in….working on it. You can definitely get your video in and be part of the yearbook. Good stuff.
Clive they have enough trouble with my accent, I’ll give you subtitles!
yeah man! I love this… has to be my favorite #bikeschool post ever.
Love your posts Stevie.
yeah man! I love this… has to be my favorite #bikeschool post ever.
Love your posts Stevie.
I am so proud to see all these “students” featured in the Yearbook. Let’s keep them coming in and keep on growing this thing. Well done, Stevie.
I LOVE it!! keep ’em commin students! Or Mistress H may have to break out her chain whip in class this week ;-P