#bikeschool: You Pick the Winner
In last Thursday’s #bikeschool, we had a special question sponsored by our friends from Hydrapak. Anyone who answered Question #4 from the night was entered to win one of Hyrdapak’s brand new 2012 Wolly Mammoth water bottles. These bottle aren’t even available for purchase yet and these bad boys are different from other insulated water bottles in that they have primaloft insulation – the top tier stuff that keeps you warm in things like sleeping bags, synthetic down jackets, and things like that. It’s inside the walls of the bottle and is sure to keep your liquid cold.
You Pick the Winner
Here is the question that was asked, and below that we have 20 of the responses from last week. Yeah, there are a lot of them….but read through them all and help us pick the winner. Leave a comment for us with the Twitter name of who provided your favorite answer. If you provided one of these responses, be sure to get all your friends to come over and vote for you. We’ll announce the winner later today.
Congratulations to @RandyRoubaix who wins a Wooly Mammoth water bottle from Hydrapak. His reply to last week’s #bikeschool question received the most votes.
The Replies:

RandyRoubaix’s Unicorn Tears…though he may have plagerized, as I believe @neilroad my own that 🙂
Unicorn tears are not funny. They are delicious. One more for Randy.
Unicorn Tears, the secret exlixir
Randy- Unicorn tears….lol
First of all, I wanted to say that it’s nice to have the chance to help decide the winner. It is nice to see you guys adding more excitement to #bikeschool. I heard you talking about it a few weeks ago and it is good to see you coming through on this. I can’t wait to see what else will happen.
I would like to vote for the Pickel Juice answer. Yuch.
Randy Roubaix – Unicorn Tears…is that some kind of fancy tequilla?
I thought the Pickel Juice and KimChi answers were very interesting and the discussion that unfolded from the Kimchi answer was hysterical. What a great class you guys had last week.
Yeah, all those Kimchi tweets had me totally laughing as well. Now we have #Tacos, #Thongs, #Kimchi, and so many more #bikeshool buzz words going on.
I like all the responses, but I’ll officially vote for @RandyRoubaix.
My favorite was @RandyRobaix . Unicorn’s are so YUMMY!
unicorn tears…..though Bobby had us in stitches the whole night
I totally agree….Bobby is guaranteed to get people rolling on the floor during #bikeschool.
RandyRoubaix and Unicorn Tears
I like Pickle Juice and Unicorn Tears. I’ll vote for both.
I’m voting for Unicorn Tear. What exactly does that look like in a bottle?
Good question….maybe @RandyRoubaix:twitter can answer that one for us.
Unicorn Tears
i’m voting for Unicorn Tears
HAHA toss up between @Bdix73 and @RandyRoubaix Unicorn Tears or Kim Chee juice…I think I have to toss this to Kim Chee Juice due to the fact that my stomach is still turning at the thought…
I like the Dos Equis answer
My vote goes to @WPopplll. icky!
I’m going with Bloody Mary. I just can’t imagine that a Blood Mary in a plastic bottle without the lovely, necessary condiments of a pickle, olives etc.. would be very tasty!
Best answer (true or not) is @bdix73 for either of his (Dos Equis or kim chee juice). Best factual answer is @wpoppIII for pickle juice.
I love @bdix73 answer and I love tacos with Dos Equis.
I laughed out loud to @bdix73’s Dos Equis response.
I totally agree, Dan. That Bobby always has me rolling on the floor.
Have to go with the KimChee Juice from @bdix73 – It stirred up a fun condo that school night.
Yeah, last week’s KimChi conversation will go down in #bikeschool history for sure.