#bikeschool: Your Ventoux
I know that many of the #bikeschool family sent messages and Tweets of support and then congratulations to our friend Aaron Madrid (@Aaronthestrong) as he took on and conquered his first 100 mile cycle ride this weekend. Riding as part of the Tour de Cure at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Aaron achieved one of the top goals that amateur cyclists look towards and will soon be sharing his experiences with the world here at LovingTheBike.com.
Aaron’s story got the staffers at LTB towers thinking about the magnitude of achievements that are completed every day all over the world by the ordinary-Joe cyclist. Whether it be a particularly difficult sporting challenge (or series of challenges), a physical challenge (check out Art Jones!) or just trying to find the time between working and family life we want to give you this platform to tell your story.
Take a moment and think about your life. Think about the things you have done on your bike and the things you would like to do in the future. Now remember that there are many other people just like you thinking the same thing, needing just that little something to push them to achieve their own goals.
We will be running a special series of posts from the readers of LovingTheBike.com celbrating their achievements collectively and inspiring the world. If you have thought about something in particular whilst reading this post but are not sure what to write, get in touch and we can help, but above all please tell your story.
Get in touch
If you would like to write something about an achievement or goal, however long or short it is, get in touch with myself or Darryl using the email addresses below. I know there are some great stories out there that need to be told, now you have the platform.

Thanks for all the congrats yet again! I’m already writing furiously, haha. I’m looking forward to reading what all the other cyclists out there are working towards!
Congrats, Aaron!
I’ll send you mine. 😉