Bontrager Hosts #bikeschool
Wow, #bikeschool just continues to grow and impress……oh, and take over the Twitterverse of course.
Next Thursday (December 5) we have the one and only Keith Bontrager sitting in as guest professor. Yes, the bicycle hall of famer who has helped bring the bicycle industry to where it is today. Keith held the position of Bontrager president between 1980 and 1995 until he sold his company to Trek. He continues to develop components for Trek, as well as helps influence where the industry will go in the future.
Not sure how he did it, but our #bikeschool classmate Randy Sanders made this happen. A great big thank you goes out to Randy.
This is big time. It’s not every day that you get to sit in and chat with a guy like Bontrager…..but if you come to #bikeschool next Thursday (9-10 PM EST), that’s exactly what you’ll get to do.
See you there.
Here’s the #bikeschool professor schedule for the rest of 2013:
November 28 – Thanksgiving: No official class, classroom open
December 5 – Keith Bontrager
December 12 – Egggy
December 19 – Marty
December 26 -Darryl