I don’t hide the fact that I find the “throwaway” culture of North America totally disgusting. Yeah, we’re a society of buy all we can, and toss out anything that isn’t the latest and greatest.
We’re consumed by stuff, and by having more of it. You just have to look at the increasing number of self storage yards to know that people are accumulating more and more possessions every day. Insanity.
But there is sort of a new trend happening where some people are moving towards buying experiences instead of spending their money on stuff.
Going away on a vacation with your family costs a significant amount of money, and when you get back home you don’t have anything physical to show for it. But that experience, those memories, and the magic is absolutely priceless. Same thing goes for taking in that concert you’ve always wanted to see, or the sports game you’re so passionate about. Imagine the memories you’d collect by taking in the Tour de France.
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but that stuff you’re collecting doesn’t always fulfil your life or make you feel satisfied. Right? Remember that post I did based on the lyrics from the Zac Brown Band?
“I’ve got everything I need, and nothing that I don’t”
So what do you think? Will you spend your hard earned money on collecting more stuff, or will you invest it into an experience of a lifetime?
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