Consistency and Change
The Sun rises each and every day of the year, and although it is a continually constant thing, I never have, and probably never will tire of watching this site. It is a regular occurrence that consistently brings a smile to my face.
Speaking of consistency, let me talk about this word for a moment.
Con·sis·ten·cy – Reliability or uniformity of successive results or events.
Not too long ago, a friend explained to me that in a young child’s life, the only real thing that matters to them is Consistency. I had never really thought about it until he educated me on this fact, but it makes incredible sense. Think about it, we grow up desiring consistency from those we trust, and longing for that which we are familiar with. Any new or sudden change feels like complete devastation.
We’re formed this way, then as adults we are told that change is natural. Change is healthy. Change is good. I agree with this as well, but I guess that is why many of us have so much trouble with it. We don’t fear change because it is unknown. We fear it because we were raised to appreciate familiarity over anything else.
Change is good, and it is almost like you re-invent yourself each and every time you make a major adjustment to your life. Sometimes it’s a huge change that is necessary in order to shake up your life and make it clearer, better, and to move it forward. It may send panicked feelings throughout your body as you have flashbacks to when you were a child experiencing something new for the first time. But, I’ll almost guarantee that it will make you a better person because of it.
Be a Constant source of happiness, education, love, and support to your children. You owe that to your kids…..more then anything else in the world.
Be a Constant source of positive change for yourself. You owe that to yourself and others, so that you can experience and possess anything in the world.