Contest Time: Do You Wear Road ID?
Friday May 13 Update: Thanks to everyone who entered our Road ID contest, and thanks to Outside PR and Road ID for helping us out with this. A great big Congratulations goes out to Roy Smalley who is the lucky winner of a Road ID jersey and ID.
Prior to getting myself a Road ID a couple months ago, I used to keep a crinkled up piece of paper folded up inside a ziplock bag and would stuff it in my jersey pouch when I went out riding. On that paper was the contact information for my wife in case something happened to me while out riding and it would allow for emergency people to get a hold of her.
My method was effective, but certainly nowhere near as cool or effective as what Road ID has going on. First of all, Road ID offers wristband, shoe, and dog tag options so that you’re guaranteed not to head off for a ride without your ID. Secondly, it allows you to provide the contact information for a few different people so that the odds of getting a hold of someone in an emergency is possible.
Road ID was born out of my father’s concern for me as I trained for my first marathon. We quickly realized that, in an accident, Road ID saves crucial, life threatening minutes when you can’t speak for yourself.
– Mike Wimmer, Owner of Road ID (along with Edward Wimmer)
Odds are that your spouse, parents, or anyone else close to you isn’t going to like you talking about getting a Road ID because they won’t want to think of it ever needing to be used.
But it works, and my friend Torsten is living proof. Last September he had a serious wreck on his bike and his Road ID helped the EMT’s contact his Family. Torsten luckily came out of it okay and continues to ride….and definitely continues to wear his Road ID. Read more about his story right here.
Contest Details:
We have a Road ID Jersey and an e-card to give away, and there are three ways to enter. You are in to win for each of the options, so do all three and you’ve just tripled your odds of winning this great prize from Road ID.
If you currently wear a Road ID, let us know why you wear one… you’ll have a second one to give away to a friend. If you don’t wear one, let us know why you wish to do so.
- “Like” the Road ID Facebook Fanpage. You can do so at
- “Follow” RoadID on Twitter. Their Twitter ID is @RoadID.
Use the comment section below as your entry form. When you “Like” or “Follow” Road ID, let us know with one comment for each… well as a comment for your Road ID Story.
We’ll take your comments now through this Friday at Noon, EST. Winner will be announced Friday afternoon.

cryptocurrencies are treated as businesses and are a part
of those taxing regulations.
considered to be under the legal definition of currency
That is a really good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Simple but very precise info Thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!
I believe this is an amazing tool for anyone who is always on the go. Hikers, skiers or anyone who could be in an accident can be saved by this ID.
Last year, my friend got injured due to the accident. After 5 hours of the accident an ambulance reached at the accident place. Family members had no information . What is the reason for delay of providing emergency helps? We cannot blame health industry. It’s very difficult to change health industry. So we should use alert systems and road ids for our safety.
medical alarm systems
Thanks for your comments on this. Road ID is a great system and it’s nice to see more and more people wearing them.
Just liked Road Id Facebook page and followed @roadId on twitter.
Thanks John….good luck. The winner will be picked very soon.
I’m already a Twitter follower, just became a Facebook fan, and currently own a Fixx RoadID.
Awesome Larry….thanks for entering.
already a twitter follower and a facebook fan (like…)
I’ve not yet invested in a RoadID, though I have suggested it as a gift from my family…. My Birthday is at the end of the month, so maybe then?
I’m primarily a road cyclist, but I also XC ski along with many other less frequent outdoor pursuits.
If you don’t win this contest, I hope you get one for your birthday.
Got a fail whale on Twitter trying to find @roadid I tried 10 times. @seandreznin:disqus
I bought my RoadID after my friend suggested it. I wear it on *every* ride, plus when I travel.
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I do wear a RoadID. I have a bracelet and ID tags with interactive and non respectively. I’m a paintball player. When I go out on the field I don’t carry a wallet, nor any form of photo ID. I’ve been lucky so far in that my injuries have been minor (broken ankle, sprained ribs, and road rash you wouldn’t believe from baseball sliding on gravel…) A friend of mine who was an EMT suggested I get something in case I did something really stupid to myself on the field. So I did. I used to wear stamped “dog tags” that had some information on them. When I was doing research for one of my web-based shows, I found that the info on the tag was horribly lacking and not what an EMT would want to know, and needed to be replaced. And when I found the “RoadID”, it solved a lot of problems in one shot. So now, if I’m injured at a paintball field in the middle of nowhere, at least they have something they can start with as they contact my family. That’s peace of mind, and makes it a lot easier to roadtrip to far-away games.
That and, to be a huge geek here, on my neck tag I chose the artwork called “Location Earth”. It’s based on the artwork that was shot into space on the Pioneer spacecraft. The “star” pattern is supposed to tell an alien intelligence how to find earth. So! If I’m ever abducted by space aliens THEN rescued by other space aliens, they should (in theory) be able to figure out where my planet is, and where to drop me off. The map points at Oklahoma, but I figure get me on the right continent and I can walk from there.
Awesome man….you are totally covered for anything now. I was rolling on the floor about your alien abduction story.
Sure beats the crumpled up piece of paper in the jersey pocket
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I wear a RoadID because I want to know that if something happens to me, I can be identified easily, my parents can be notified, and my chances for survival are greater because medical officials will know some important information about me.
Plus they look cool and have a reflective strip so they are a safety accessory in many ways!
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I wear a RoadID because I want to know that if something happens to me, I can be identified easily, my parents can be notified, and my chances for survival are greater because medical officials will know some important information about me.
Plus they look cool and have a reflective strip so they are a safety accessory in many ways!
Thanks Rebecca….yes they do look very cool.
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I wear my Road ID because I am a husband and a father and it is the right thing to do for the ones you love.
Yes it is…’re a good man.
I don’t really have any medical issues right now, but I do have a wife and a daughter and if anything happened to me I would want them to know right away. Wouter Waylandt was my age, and while I don’t ride near as hard or far as he does, It hit home to see something like that happen. I wear my Road ID bracelet everyday with my Livestrong bracelet as a constant reminder to give my all, and be safe doing it. Regardless of this contest, it is something I firmly believe everyone should have at least one of!
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I now follow Road ID on Twitter.
My husband and I just recently purchased RoadID bracelets for a second time. The first time we just bought the regular that gives basic information but with our increasingly complex medical issues it just made good sense to purchase interactive bands that would give our medical history. I love that I can wear that band and if I’m hurt the ER will know my medical history.
Yes, the interactive bands are a great idea. Good luck in this contest, and thanks for your comments.
I have “liked” RoadID Facebook page.
…and I have also followed RoadID on Twitter
…and I have also followed RoadID on Twitter
I have “like”d the RoadID page
I have “like”d the RoadID page
I don’t currently have a RoadID, though I do carry Identification with me when I run or bike. I want one because while out on a training ride three years ago, I was hit by an SUV that ran a stop sign. My wife worries every time I go out, and I think a RoadID might help give her a little peace of mind.
Yeah, it’s definitely something that gives us all piece of mind. My wife doesn’t like to think about why I wear a Road ID, but I know that it’s a great thing to have.
I don’t currently have a RoadID, though I do carry Identification with me when I run or bike. I want one because while out on a training ride three years ago, I was hit by an SUV that ran a stop sign. My wife worries every time I go out, and I think a RoadID might help give her a little peace of mind.
My best friend has a Road ID, and it looks killer, not to mention kind of classy too! We tour a few times a year when we can, and it’d be great to have one- not just for touring, but for everyday as well. you never know. I hate carrying a wallet, which means my ID gets left a home a lot unintentionally, so if i don’t win, i should really start writing my name/number in my underwear or something… but EMS probably wouldn’t look there…especially if i crap myself.
good luck everyone!
Hahahahaha, nice one. Yeah, they are nice looking…..good luck.
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I want — well *should* wear one because my sister sets a good example. I use biking as my primary mode of transit, so that means that *most* of the time I have identification on me, but when I go running, or go for a quick ride for fun, I don’t always have my wallet, and rolling and running w/o ID isn’t that smart of an idea.
Also liked on FB and followed on twitter! HT to other commenters – they have a contest they link to on their FB, so be sure to enter that too!
Good Luck Pamela. It’s a great thing to have and they look great as well.
You know something, every time that I have seen something about @RoadID, I always said, “that’s something that I need to do.” Having seen it yet again, and about to change locations, this is something that I need to get on top of. Thanks for the poke about this, regardless of the contest.
You’re welcome…and thanks for entering. We’ll announce the winner tomorrow afternoon. Good Luck.
Oh, am following @RoadID on Twitter now.
I bought my RoadID in case of accidents while riding, or big nights out :p
Hahahaha, yeah I guess it could come in handy for those crazy nights out as well.
I like RoadID on Facebook 🙂
I follow @RoadID:twitter on twitter 🙂
When I ride alone I feel safer. Knowing that if something happens that they can contact my family as I rarely ride with a wallet and there is not way to tell if my phone survived the incident. Plus I like the look o=f mine! 🙂
I totally agree….I like the secure feeling it give me and also think it looks great.
I rode for years with my license in my jersey pocket thing that was enough. One day while riding with a group of guys that I “knew well” a rider got his front wheel stuck in a grate, crashed and was knocked unconscious. We called 911 and when the EMT arrived he asked ” How old is he? Does he take any medication? Does he have any allergies?” We all “knew” this guy but we didn’t know important facts the EMT needed. I ordered my RoadID the next day and I wear it 24/7.
Good stuff….yeah, and all that important information can go on the ID as well. Good luck in the contest.
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I wear RoadID. I would never go out without it. Too often we see reminders of how vulnerable we are out there on the road or on the trail. I wrote a whole blog post about it a while back – check it out:
Great post…thanks for sharing the link.
… and I “like” RoadID on Facebook.
I follow roadID on twitter.
I have a RoadID, and I wear it. Mostly for my family’s peace of mind while I’m out riding.
I don’t currently wear a Road ID, though I know I should. I’m a broke grad student and I’ve been using that excuse for too long. I’ve had some close calls which are especially scary when you’re miles from home and no one is expecting you back for hours. I also love the idea of a dogtag or something I can wear instead of something I have to remember to bring, since I’m notorious at forgetting the essentials on long bike rides.
Good luck….if you don’t win this time, we’ll have more Road ID contests in the future. Watch for them.
I followed Road ID on twitter
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I liked Road ID on facebook
I started wearing one a few years ago just when I was out riding. Since I spend most of my time on rural backroads my wife was always a little concerned that something might happen to me. Since then I have purchased an Elite and wear it all the time. I especially like having it when I am traveling abroad for work.
I am a fan on of RoadID on Facebook and have been following @RoadID:twitter since they started.
Julian Benton
Thanks Julian…..good to hear you’re wearing the ID.
I’ve followed them on Twitter for a while too
I’ve been a fb road id fan for sometime
I used to mainly play team sports or train in a gym so I didn’t really need anything like this. Then about 5 years ago I started running outdoors more & cycling and became concerned about something happening to me so I purchased my first ROADID.
Been connected to RoadID on Facebook since getting mine as a present last year.
Enjoy following @RoadID on Twitter.
I consider my RoadID an essential piece of safety equipment, just like my helmet. I was hospitalized from a bike crash when I was a teenager. Luckily people who knew me saw the accident, and got help right away. As a father of 2 kids, I don’t want to take any chances. I ride with my RoadID for me, and my family.
Whoa, you definitely know the benefits of wearing your Road ID. Thanks for sharing you comments.
When I saw Bob Roll wearing his during OLN’s Tour coverage a few years ago I had to have one! It’s better than the crumpled paper in the sandwich bag — glad I’m not the only one — and it sometimes gets people talking. Last summer I showed it to a team of EMTs on their break at a coffee shop: they’d never seen one and thought it was a great idea.
Hahaha, I guess I wasn’t alone in having a crumpled piece of paper in a sandwich bag. I love my Road ID….so much better than what I had before.
After the last time I was hit by a car, & somehow being able to give my home phone number to the ambo’s, I knew I need something in case it happened again. I went the @RoadID, as it looked the strongest, most visible form of id. I had the saying Stercus Accidit put on mine, as it really does unfortunately!
Oh man, sorry to hear about you getting hit. I hope you never need your Road ID, but good thing you’ve got one.
Liked, followed, and highly recommended!
When I first started cycling, my friend suggested I get one, so I did. I wear it *every* time I’m on the bike, and also when I travel.
I’m actually anxiously waiting on my new RoadID slim to show up in the mail, so I would LOVE to get another one to pass along as a gift. I’d be giving it to @beverlycycles since he rides like a maniac.
Good luck….I know @beverlycycles will sure appreciate it.
I just received my Road ID on Monday and thought it would be a great way to stay safer while out on the road.
Liked on facebook and already follow on twitter.
Good luck on getting another one to give away.
I wear my Road ID 24/7. I ordered one for my dad first. He loves to ride, but has heart issues. He has already been out on rides alone, when his heart has gone into a-fib. Luckily, he was always close to home. I wanted him to be safe, and the more I thought about it, it is something my wife and I should both have as well. I wear mine all the time, because you never know when you will need it. Car accident on the way to work, something happens during a ride, my info is right there for first responders. If you don’t have one, get one!
I agree….we all need one.
I don’t have a Road ID … yet. It is actually near the top of my to buy list this spring. (Unless of course, I win this contest. But the best response I’ve seen so far is Fitzalan’s.) I carry my driver’s license when I ride, but I haven’t updated my address on it, so it’s of limited use. And it doesn’t contain contact information for my loved ones. While I always have my cell phone w/ me as well, it is password protected, so wouldn’t be any use to emergence responders. So, I am looking to land the interactive Road ID. Whether I win or not. (But, hint hint, winning one would be most excellent, Darryl!)
Already follow Road ID on the Twitter. Off to “like” them on FB as well.
Hahahaha, good luck Bob.
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I own 2 Road-IDs, one for each pair of running shoes. There isn’t a single good reason NOT to have one, and so much easier than carrying a license.
Good idea on having more than one…that way you’ll never be without it. Good luck on getting a third.
I like RoadID on Facebook and love the posts – great discussions and sports news.
I follow RoadID on twitter but I’ll retweet too.
I wear RoadID because I run alone and usually in the dark and I want to know that if something should happen, emergency personel can find my family and know who I am.
I offer up my road ID that I would win here to who ever does not have one. I am on my third road id. Trust me order the rubber one with the new clasp. The cloth ID got a little funky after a year.
I totally agree….I have the rubber one and like everything about it. I can imagine what the cloth ones would be like after a long period of time.
the why: I have a RoadID already but would want to get one for my husband. My experience:
I got my roadID because I was a endurance runner for years and years. I suffer from Crohn’s Disease and one day while out on a long solo run, I passed out. I woke up in an ambulance. I had no idea where I was or what was going on. Being able to coherently tell the medical staff the drugs I am allergic to and the phone number for my emergency contact was nearly impossible. After that day, I always ran with a roadID.
Thanks for sharing your story….just another real life example on why Road ID works.
I got a Road ID for Christmas. Before that, I did much the same thing as you – contact info in a jersey pocket. But I hear that first responders don’t look in jersey pockets, so they might not find my stuff. The wristband is obvious, and I feel better knowing it’s there.
Liked on Facebook this morning. Been following them on Twitter for months.
Thanks for the tip…..even more reason to get a Road ID. I guess that crumpled note in my pocket wouldn’t have done much good.
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Okay–that got all funky….if you can delete the two comments below that are coming up as U.S. ProCycling News, that’d be great. 🙂
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I’m not sure what happened, but I deleted those ones. Thanks for entering and good luck.
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Hit all three: comment, like and follow. Hoping for a some rad free stuff!
I’ve been riding for just over a year after a few decades off. As I’ve improved my range – I ride 60-70 miles each Saturday now – I’ve ventured further and further into the Texas Hill Country. I carry my drivers licence with me in a jersey pocket, but twice I’ve managed to drop it when digging around for snacks. Also thrilling: the Monday I headed off to the airport with my ID still in my Jersey pocket in the laundry at home. Been intending to get a RoadID since I saw them as a sponsor of the WurstRide last November. This seems like a great opportunity.
Good luck….hey, and I hope to see you out riding in the hill country sometime.
I’ve wanted a road ID but simply the cost of keeping my bike up and running (plus racing and such) has been keeping me from getting one. When you have to balance priorities due to finances, some get lost along the way. I already follow road id on facebook and twitter. Their kit is great, I’d love one of their jerseys
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I’ve worn a Road ID for years now. While I was walking down the sidewalk one day on my way home I was struck by a SUV driver. I was thrown into the street, my shoulder broken, but fortunately no head injuries. I think walking, running, and cycling are relatively safe activities, but if something happens and I can’t respond I want my family contacted and I want first responders to have the information they need.
I’m sorry to hear about what happened. I hope you never need another reason to have your Road ID on you….but glad you’ve got one.