Custom Stickers for your Bike, Helmet, or Anything

I love custom branding everything and anything I can. I’m lucky enough to currently have four custom cycling kits for businesses or websites that I’ve been a part of, but getting stickers and labels is a much simpler way to show off your brand.
A few weeks ago, I was approached by about trying out what they have to offer. Although custom Loving the Bike stickers would be pretty cool, I thought getting stuff for my business Mudsharks Coffee Bar would be much more practical.
I took a look through the StickerYou website and was immediately impressed by what they had for options as well as their prices. They have patches, helmet stickers, labels, decals, and pretty much anything else you can think of. They gave me a credit to pick out what would work best and I selected some rolls of stickers with our Mudsharks logo as well as two Hours of Operation decals to promote our new hours on our doors.
I didn’t look around as much as I could have, but very easily navigated through the site to get what I needed. It was also super fast and easy to create online what I wanted. A few clicks, check out, and within about a week I had received my order.
Like I said, I love branding…..but just don’t have the time to research where the best place is to get things. I am very thankful StickerYou found me. These guys are also located here in Canada, but can ship anywhere.
Yes, you already know that these Mudsharks stickers will be going on as many local bikes and helmets as I can get them on… branding any of our take out glass food jars.
What do you want to brand? It’s never been any easier.