Cycling Landscape Photo Winner
We’ve got a winner in our Cycling Landscape Photo contest. A great big congratulations goes out to Naomi Morris….her photo from the Combe Laval in The Vercors, France received the most votes.
Naomi receives the Grand Prize which includes all of the following goodies:
- 20 x 30 print of winning photo (Provided by Capture Colorado Photography)
- A pair of Sunglasses from Ryders Eyewear
- Road ID T-Shirt and Hat
- Pearl Izumi Socks
- GU Sampler pack and new Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Drink
- Road ID $35 Gift Card
The Runner up is Ian Varga, with his Crested Butte photo. Ian receives:
- 12 x 18 print of submitted photo. (Provided by Capture Colorado Photography)
- Hydrapak Gel Bottle
- Road ID $35 Gift Card
Our final three in the top 5 submitted photos came from Elvis Riggs, Ramesh Rawat, and Brian Warkentine. Each of them receive an 8 x 10 print of their photo (Provided by Capture Colorado Photography).
Huge thanks go out to our sponsors for helping to put together such cool prize packs, as well as to Alex Molick and Dan Joder for helping us out by narrowing the incredible amount of great photos that came in down to five. Of course, we’d like to thank all of you who submitted your photos, and those who took part in the voting. This has been a blast and we hope to do another big contest like this again soon.
To have a look at all the photos that came in, visit the Cycling Landscape Photo Contest folder on Facebook.

Wow I am really taken aback about winning – there were so many amazing pictures! Thank you for voting. I can really recommend The Vercors area of France, it’s not as well known. On that day we had the road practically to ourselves and yet everywhere was jaw dropping views and beautiful riding including some really really fun downhills and delicious mountain berries on the roadside. Travelling on my bike for 6 months was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I was extremely privileged to have had the opportunity. Looking through my photos it’s hard to believe how many amazing landscapes I rode through. If you’re thinking about riding in Europe or going on a bike tour anywhere – DO IT!
Great contest and awesome winners!
Congrats to all who entered–there were some great images in that collection! Good lesson: always carry your camera with you on your bike. There are some great point-and-shoot cameras out now, with super image quality, that you can just slip into your jersey pocket.
Good advice, Dan. Thanks again for being a big part of this contest and for letting us post that incredible picture you took of Dex.
Congrats to the winners. Very good choices.