Darryl Hagen is Loving the Bike
Every so often we like to feature one of our readers and their Loving the Bike story. This one comes from Darryl Hagen and here’s what he has to say:
“Eight years ago I moved from Vancouver to Toronto. In Van, I commuted by bike everyday and rode the North Shore 3 times a week … all year long for the 7 years that I lived there. In Toronto that all stopped! Eight months ago I’d had enough.
I purchased a fixed gear track bike (with a front break as I am closing in on 50 and not a young hipster) and started commuting again. I forgot how much I love being on a bike and just riding! I’m loving my mornings and evenings, and cannot wait for the next time I get to swing a leg over. As an added benefit, I lost all 20lbs that I put on since moving here.”
– Darryl Hagen
What is your cycling story? We’d like to hear about it and share it with our readers. Send us your Loving the Bike story by filling out this form.