Detoxing Your Body and Soul
We’ve all heard about doing a detox or cleanse of our bodies, right? But how much do you actually know about what they do and the benefits they hold?
It’s not just our electronic devices that need the reset button pressed from time to time…..our body and soul needs it as well. So how do we do it?
Detoxing your body is the easy part, and to make it even easier you can get a ready made detox program to take all the guess work and questions out of it. By drinking easy to digest green juices, your body gets the nutrients and tools needed to detox and bring things back into balance.
So what can you expect to receive from your green juice body detox? How about a boost in energy, aid in weight loss, stronger immune system, improved skin and hair, and clearer thinking….just to name a few.
Alright, and then there’s the cleansing of the soul. A soul detox can’t be easily bought and drank. There’s no sure-fire method for doing this, but grounding yourself through meditation, breathing, and going inward is definitely the way to get there. From time to time, we all need to let the sand settle and reflect on where we are and where we are going. Hitting the reset button on your soul is essential for all of us.
With a balanced body and clean soul, we’re able to enjoy life on and off the bike to the fullest.

Pamela and I recently did a detox and it had huge results for me. I am a 100% advocate of it, and I love what you have added in terms of the mental aspect of this as well.