Does Cycling Keep You Young?
Hey, we’re looking for your help in putting together a new post over here at Loving the Bike. This one will be all about you and how cycling keeps you looking so young. If you feel that you look younger than your age says you are….and if you feel that cycling has contributed to it happening, please let us know.
We would like you to send us:
- A good head shot of yourself (or a full body if we can get a good look at you)
- Your age
- Your Website and Twitter ID (if you have one)
- Your location
- Your consent to use this information in a post
We’ll definitely link this one to your website and if you don’t have a website, we’ll market the heck out of you anyway.
Please e-mail the above information to Loving the Bike as soon as you can (Friday, June 18th at the latest).
Wow… look so young.