Doing It All
If you know anything at all about me and my life, you probably have an indication that I do a lot of “out of the box” stuff. If I can pride myself on one thing, it’s that I’ve lived a life off the beaten path, and have done more than enough cool things for one lifetime. Well, the same way of life applies to me and my cycling.
I’ve been living here in Grenada for just about 3 years now. It may not be the ideal road cycling location, and riding here is anything from being easy…..but I’ve taken on this island, and done about everything I can so that I can get the full Grenada cycling experience.
I’ve ridden around the entire circumference of the island, I’ve climbed to the highest point, and ridden about every ride able road in Grenada. It feels good, and I feel satisfied.
Okay, so you may be thinking….“if you’ve done everything that can be done on a bike in Grenada, there’s no where left to go and life becomes boring.” Point well taken. My response is that there is always room to grow, and I can go after my personal bests on these same rides and routes. I feel better knowing that I’ve done it all. Although I might possibly not have more in front of me, it’s better than being at the end of my road and regretting not doing it all.
Get what I’m saying? If there is a ride or route on your bucket list, go do it now…..and do them all.