The Driver’s Lazy Foot
Want to know one of the major issues causing vehicle – bicycle collisions? The driver’s lazy foot.
Of course this is just my own personal research story, and a lot of it is based on educated opinion and not fact…..but I am confident in saying that if this issue could be fixed, we’d have a whole lot less cyclists getting nailed.
Here’s the deal. Drivers are lazy. Yes, of course they are….and they would much rather not have to lift their foot and touch the brake. All too many times, they come around a corner or creep too close to a cyclist due to the lazy foot syndrome.
Don’t believe me? Take an afternoon and sit down in a residential area, or location that isn’t a major intersection. Watch how many times the driver slows down, no compete stop, and then keeps rolling. Sometimes they barely even slow down. Because of this their, vehicle moves ahead before their brain is able to process the cyclist on the road.
I don’t have a solution to this one, I just see it as a major problem. So let me know what can be done to keep the driver’s foot from getting so dang lazy.