Every Little Thing is Going to Be Alright
You know those little reminders that life sometimes tosses your way? Like the time you almost fell off your Parents roof, and for just a minute you appreciated life more than you ever had before. Or that time when the Tornado was approaching and you hid in your basement waiting for it to pass…all of a sudden your daily life stresses didn’t seem so bad after all.
These things come to us to create a reminder of what our true focus of life should really be. We all lose sight of our path, and it’s these things that are supposed to put us back on the right track.
But even when it comes to smaller disasters, the same phrase can help make it all better:
Every little thing is going to be alright.
It sometimes takes the Universe to send us a wake up call in order to appreciate where we’re at or what we’ve got….remembering what’s most important…and what should always be our first priority.
Or we could be like the great Bob Marley and wake up with an attitude of happiness and gratitude as found in the lyrics to “Three Little Birds”. That song includes the above words, and also a mantra you should remember the next time you’re feeling stressed:
“Don’t worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin don’t worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right!”
Ground yourself….or the Universe will do it for you. But in the end…don’t worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be alright.