Everything I Need
I’ve talked many times about living the simple life. You know, that attitude of “the less you own the less that owns you.” I often speak about the idea of only needing my Family, my Bike, and Computer. I wonder what life would be like if that totally was the case.
A song lyric recently stuck in my head and it’s been stirring up all kinds of thoughts, so I figured I better just write about it.
I’ve got everything I need, and nothing that I don’t.
– Zac Brown Band
It got me thinking of how when you are surrounded by only the things in your life that you really need, the other crap doesn’t clutter things up. You know what I mean? Stripped down to just the important stuff.
What I think happens when we build our life with more of the things we want, but don’t need…..we get a situation like this:
“I’ve got everything I want, and lots of stuff I don’t.”
Think about all of the “stuff” in your life for a minute. How much of it do you truly need? Are any of these so-called wants causing problems for you?
I’m not saying we all need to go full out nothingness like my friend Rob Greenfield, but walking a few steps in that direction sure would do a lot of good. For everyone.

Stuff just gets in the way. Man I cannot possibly agree with you more here. The more stuff you shed the more peace you will find I truly believe.