Extended Twitter Personality
Like it or not, Twitter is a part of our communicative world today. If ten years ago you would have told me that there’s be this online platform where people sent out very short messages each day and used them to communicate and socialize with the world….I would have said you were nuts. But it’s true, the 140 character communication is a part of most of our lives.
You know what I dig about Twitter? It forces us to be closer to our real selves than any other form of social media out there. Of course you do. You have a limited amount of words, and you have a very limited amount of time to catch someone’s attention. Twitter doesn’t force you to be yourself, but I feel that it naturally brings it out in most people.
How similar is your Twitter personality to the real life you? Yeah, serious question. With the amount of time we all spend on social platforms and networks, our online personality is likely shown more than anything else. But with Twitter, I would say that the blurred lines are pretty close together.
Take a minute and think about this. How well does your Twitter personally portray the things you love and are passionate about? What kind of people have you attracted to your Twitter account? How close is your Twitter life to your real life?
While we’re on the subject of Twitter, I wanted to have us also take a minute and think about some of the cool stuff that has happened to you while on this social media platform. For me it’s a no brainer.
Number 1 is the amazing Twitter community we have created with #bikeschool. Number 2 is the great people I have connected with and met in person. Number 3 is the recognition I’ve received from so many of you, as well as these celebrities:

Ditto to Bethel’s comments exactly, I hate that I have had to cut my Social media presence back to nearly nothing but,,, you have to maintain life balance, set priorities and my wife comes first, my family second, my job (for now) comes third, my own time (RIDING) comes 4th,,,,,, and their just is not a lot of time left for anything else.
As always, I have a lot to learn from you.
I agree, without Twitter and Facebook, we would not of ever met. I have met tons of nice people from all around the world on Twitter and Facebook.
I have actually met face to face and rode bikes with a few.
I love it.
Bethel Strong
@Takeabike (Twitter)