Facetime: Why Am I in Grenada?
Call me vain, but I really enjoy getting on the video camera and putting out a little facetime to the followers of Loving the Bike.
I took a minute to capture my thoughts in response to the question I seem to be getting asked a whole lot lately….Why Are You In Grenada?
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDpGV5zi-NM’]
Here’s the links to some of the things mentioned in the video:
Create Your Own Culture Part 1
Create Your Own Culture Part 2

Darryl, Great video. makes me feel like you are talking to me personally. I hope you and your sweet family enjoy your new home location.
Thanks Bethel, I really appreciate it my friend. I sure do hope you’re able to make a trip here someday soon. I’d love to spend more time with you and show you around Grenada.