Families are Making it Happen…Every Day
Each and every day….all around the world…..Families are in motion. It honestly amazes me how on a daily basis a Family can get themselves ready, get the kids off to school, and the Parents to work…..all the while never missing a beat.
Add in some personal time for cycling, or other activity and all of a sudden you’ve got a full day of on the go madness.
Even when some sort of scheduling conflict comes up, all the duties get performed. What amazes me even more is that this continues on for at least 14 or 15 years.
If you were to sit back and think about it, you might feel it is impossible to believe that for the next 15 years you will be able to execute all the tasks that come with being a Family…..but we don’t think about it. We just keep on doing what we’re doing and it all just falls into place.
The reason it works is because you know it has to work. There are no other options so you can’t talk yourself out of accomplishing these goals. You also get help. Help from your other Family members, and at times you also get help from Family and Friends. Each Family has their style, but it all gets the same results.
If people around this world can consistently make this happen, what’s stopping us from achieving any other goals we put our minds to? Nothing. Take the same approach as a Family. Don’t look at the big picture, just do what needs to be done today. Don’t go after it alone…..get help when you need it.
Anything can be done. It happens every day. The human spirit is unstoppable if it is used correctly. Here’s to the Families that are already doing it. Take a minute and give yourself credit for all you have achieved in your Family. Good work.

You guys are great. And of love the CAN DO positivity of this message.
With all that is going on over in your household each day, you’re the kind of Family I’m talking about. I don’t know how you guys do it….but you’re definitely getting it done.
Lovely photo!
Love this pic and this website – we’ve been a biking family since the beginning – my husband and my first date was a bike ride. From bike seats to trailgators and tagalongs. Now we mountain bike with our teens all the time. Keep doing this great work.
Hi Sarah, great to hear from you. I think it’s cool that your first date was on a bike…..awesome. I love seeing my kids on bikes and when I ride beside them it’s even better. Unfortunately here in Grenada the roads are not set up for the kids to ride, but they do get to ride with me on the property of where our bicycle café is located.