Fly6 (Combination Tail-Light & HD Camera) Review and Giveaway
When I was first contacted by Fly6, they were in the middle of their Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for their unique product. As the world’s first tail-light/video recorder, they had the mission to make drivers aware they might be recorded, so they behave appropriately.
I was intrigued by their idea, and as you can tell by the amount of funding they received… were a lot of other people. They totally blew their Kickstarter funding goal out of the water.
First Impressions
- The Fly6 mounts insanely easily, and they really thought out the concept of different bikes having different stem angles. They have an assortment of wedges so that the Fly6 mounts completely vertical.
- They include a mini-SD card and adapter to fit your computer. Awesome. The Sony front mount camera I have did not come with either of these.
- Beautifully packaged…..I was really impressed.
- Well designed, but not over the top. It’s simple, which was refreshing change.
- An independent electronics company sure puts in a lot more effort and detail than the big boys of electronics.
What I’ve Learned
Of course, I have never been able to see what life is like behind me while cycling….so I was very interested in watching the video after my first ride with the Fly6.
Because I’m here in Grenada with no shoulder on the road, I am more integrated into the road than many of you are. So my experience could be different from what you encounter upon using the Fly6. I was a little surprised at how much space drivers are giving behind me. Now, the amount of space they give while passing may be another story….but at least they aren’t usually riding my ass before passing.
Fly6 says it has Nano-tech protection….what the heck is Nano-tech anyway? I checked it out and the best I can tell is it’s an environmentally friendly waterproof coating.
Word of Caution
If being able to watch what goes on behind you is going to scare you on future rides, I recommend you just record and not watch (unless you need the video evidence for something). I’m a no fear cyclist so even the close calls I’ve watched from my recordings don’t faze me.
Okay, so why do you need a rear view video camera anyway?
That’s a good question, and one I would likely ask myself as well. There’s a lot of answers I could give you, but the one I’m going with is this. If most riders had one of these on their bikes, drivers would quickly realize that there’s a very good chance they are being watched and recorded. Drive by too closely or pull a bonehead move, and we’ve got their plate number and video proof of what they have done.
Here’s a rear view look from some various clips of me riding the roads of Grenada.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
To get a better idea of what the Fly6 is like, I took this random clip so you can hear the sound and see how things look. There’s a bit of wind noise in this one, but I have plenty of video where there is no wind noise. Keep in mind that the roads are pretty rough here in Grenada and the Fly6 still seems quite smooth.
[youtuber vimeo=’′]
Win One For Yourself
This contest is now closed. Congratulations to Mike Soult…..we used to generate a winner and that’s who was selected. Thanks to everyone who entered.
Do you need a Fly6? Tell us why and you’re in to win one of your own. The guys from Fly6 are swamped from the follow-up to their Kickstarter campaign, so delivery won’t be until July.
Leave a comment below telling us the reason you need a Fly6 Combination Tail-Light & HD Camera. Entries will be taken until Noon EST on Thursday and winner announced on Friday.
For specifications, features, additional reviews, and more visit them at

Definitely going to get one of these. Dont care that I am late for the giveaway part because I love to support these type of enterprises. Great review by the way Darryl, as always.
I really, really need a Fly6 because I was significantly injured when a car struck me from behind–and then left the scene. Having a Fly6 would help me regain some confidence that at least a hit and run driver might be held accountable, which would reduce the stress I experience when I have to ride in traffic.
i need a fly6 as it is pretty sweet to see how it is with the roads behind you… including ones with no sides to be pass safely
I’m from Christchurch, in New Zealand, where the roads are in pretty bad shape after the earthquakes and many drivers are anti-cyclists – especially those of us who wear lycra – so it’s not uncommon for a car, truck or bus to pass so close you could stick out your tongue and lick the vehicle’s paint! There have been some car-vs-cyclist deaths lately, too, so having a Fly6 to protect my back if a motorist gets too close would not only make me feel safer but it would make my wife feel a lot safer when I hit the roads. Thanks.
Stopped at a red light. Hit from behind by a motorist who failed to stopped. Thrown up into the air, landed on a cars bonnet, unconscious. Brought to hospital, shattered clavicle, surgery required. Even though I had a Garmin Edge 705, which showed all data metrics, becuase there was no video evidence, driver never caught. Even though if I had a Fly6 it wouldn’t have stopped the motorist hitting me, but at least we could see who did it.
I need a Fly 6 camera because I’ve been hit by a cab and a van both within the last 2 weeks here in NYC.
Thankfully I only have some bruising, and my bike only needed minor repairs, but it would make things easier if anything worse were to happen.
I ride my bike everywhere, for groceries, errands and to work. My husband worries because I ride in the street-He would rather that I didn’t. I don’t think he gets it, it’s an obsession, am I right? I know that if I had the AWESOME Fly6 on my bike that would help to ease his concerns about my safety. Not to mention I think it’s REALLY cool!
1) Me being safe = happy wife. Happy wife = happy life!!!
2) I support the group in my community that advocates for cycling safety and laws. This would be a start in promoting a safer community.
I don’t need one – I participated in the Kickstarter and should be getting my white one some time soon. Yay!
I didn’t know you got one, though, Darryl. So, you like it? I must’ve missed your reviews of it. Any issues? Bikesnob had some problems with his but those were apparently related to the microSD card not being inserted completely/properly.
It’s great that you backed them, Paul. No issues at all with mine. I am having issues with my Sony front mount, however. Another cool thing is that the Fly6 actually comes with the microSD card….the Sony one didn’t.
I’ve had a friend get rear ended on his bike at 40kph… scary stuff, fortunately he’s largely OK. Got me thinking about head cams, but the worst accidents happen from behind or the sides when headcams aren’t too helpful. Would also be great to see the expression on ride mates when I lead the group.
I live in Australia and am kind of a slow cyclist. I need a fly 6 to prove to my mates that I can outrun a ferocious Koala and the occasional Kangaroo.
My wife and & children would feel better knowing that I am safer using the Fly6 but if not me Martin from TX & his project sounds great hope his selected if I am not… Cheers
First, the idea of integrating the camera with a tail light is slick as hell!
As for my need for one, I live in eastern Colorado now days and there’s little to no shoulder and lots of truck traffic, and very few cyclists (I might be the only one around for miles) so even though I do what I can to protect myself, I want someone to be held accountable for their actions in case something happens. Having a camera facing the rear is probably the best way to do that.
If I turn my head to look behind I wobble so can only look quick, would be great to actually see what has happend when I get home with one of these.
I need a fly6 b/c I commute early mornings and ride in the evenings. This would show my wife( hopefully) that when I say motorists around here are good for the most part, in not lying and give her peace of mind.
Congratulations, Mike…..we used to generate a winner and that’s you. Please send your mailing address to [email protected] and we’ll get your Fly6 over to you.
I need a Fly6 light/camera for a project I’m working on to improve commuter biking where I currently live in Brownwood, TX. On one occasion my wife and I were nearly blown off the road when a car passed as close as they could at 60 mph. Also I’ve been yelled at from moving vehicles telling me to “Get out of the f–ing road”. Trying to catch the person to talk with them would never work, but it would be great to have video evidence of this to show the local police. They are very supportive of bicycles and happily explain the rules of the road to motorists. So this would be great if I could win one.
Well, do I need it? I want it, that’s for sure. And I don’t have the money. Please concider me 🙂
Because the more of these on the roads, the safer life will be for everyone. (and as an added bonus, for cycle tours I think the shots of climbing up mountain passes would be pretty ace too!)
I need a Fly6 camera because it would convince me to take the bike more than I do at the moment 🙂