For the Love of the Bike
Just got home from day two of NAHBS and the best way for me to sum things up is that today was a gathering of people who are in it “For the Love of the Bike”. There really isn’t any other way to describe it. So many different kinds of cyclists, people, and backgrounds….all coming together because they are Loving the Bike. What a day, I am so thankful I was able to be a part of all this.
I won’t be going back to the show tomorrow, but I have some more pictures for all you bike porn junkies out there. Oh, and the photos from today and yesterday are just my amateur shots. I’ll be posting Chris Gomez’s professional photos in the coming days. I also have enough video footage and interviews to keep you entertained for days…and will be laying those out in various posts very soon as well. Watch for the first set coming out on “Make it Happen Monday“.
The front hub of my Wife’s favorite bike at the show: Naked Bicycles
Another shot of this stripped down beauty made by Naked Bicycles
Even when they are dirty….bikes are just so beautiful to look at
If you thought the flask holder on the Watson bike was cool….you’ll like this as well

I’m with your wife – I love the Naked Bike. Also love those porteur/saddle bags in the background of the 2nd pic (Yipsan) from bottom – any clue who is the maker of those? Definitely lusting…
Terrific pictures, D – thanks so much for posting!
I sure do….it was Zimbale North America ( that you see in the background. Beautiful bags.
Great pics, Darryl! I shared it on FB!