@garyvee and @jannarden Help You #MakeitHappen
In July of 2012 I wrote a post about confidence, self-esteem….and the difference between them. It’s an important realization that helped me bring far more awareness to the importance of self-worth and self-respect. Oh and in it, I also talked about how Canadian musician, @jannarden and the world of social media fits into the self-esteem equation as well.
To be honest, I haven’t thought much about self-esteem since that post but was reminded about it again last week….this time through my personal mentor, @garyvee (Gary Vaynerchuk). I love this guy, and totally believe in all he does and says.
I’ve been a fan of his since he released his first book “Crush It” back in 2009. I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but it was Gary and his book that motivated me to start Loving the Bike…and it’s also the reason my career is now surrounded by bikes and the things I love.
But it wasn’t until the past 6 months that I’ve further immersed myself in his wisdom and fully become a Vaynermaniac. I’m not much of a reader, in fact I listened to the audio version of Crush It instead of going with the book version. But to truly experience all that Gary has to offer, you need to see him live or in video format. I’ve pretty much watched every keynote he’s put up on youtube, along with several interviews and other stuff he’s put up. Now he’s got his series called #AskGaryVee, and it allows me to get a constant dose of his awesomeness.
Gary motivates me on both a personal and business level, but I’d say the majority of what I put into action goes towards Loving the Bike and everything I do. But I watched episode #18 of the #AskGaryVee Show last week and it totally smacked me across the face, and reminded me just how powerful self-esteem really is.
As a guy who already dreams pretty freaking big, these words took things to a whole different level. I’ve been preventing myself from really dreaming big….like big time big…..because of not having full on belief in myself. Yeah, I may seem confident but I’ve always felt that I’ve been lower than I’d like in the self-esteem department.
The quote above is incredibly powerful, but watch the full episode so you can get the full effect from Gary himself:
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihgCAf2SFaw&list=PLfA33-E9P7FC0AoARnMLvgFgESJe4_Ngs’]
Okay, you see why I love this guy now? To me, he’s the most genuine and real celebrity out there….and he most definitely knows his stuff.
So Jann Arden first help me realize the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem. My Loving the Bike #MakeitHappen crew has let the importance of self-esteem surface once again. And my man, Gary Vaynerchuk has helped blow self-esteem up into something with a much greater magnitude.
I hope you all will inflate your self-esteem, dream huge, and #MakeitHappen with me.