Get Caught in the Upward Spiral
The days were becoming more complex than the Jimi Hendrix tie-died shirt he had when he was fifteen. The stress was firing grey hairs out the side of his head and extra beats to his heart. He felt more confused than he was in his first day in Algebra class when he was introduced to algorithms. And his head was about as grey as an eight month old African Elephant caught in the rain.
He remembered back to his days in University…often feeling the same way. Sort of caught between a “what if” and “what else”. Searching for meaning, understanding, and something new all at the same time.
He envisioned a spiral, circling from the bottom and growing larger towards the top. A place where things could only get better. Where good things came rolling in like a runaway freight train. A life where everything went his way.
He dug out that Hendrix shirt the next morning. Combed his completely brown haired head. Dug his bicycle out of the garage, and pedaled head on into the blazing yellow Summer day.
It was either his thoughts or reality….but one thing was for sure. It was a beautiful morning and the world was his for the taking.

Yeah, I need to get on that spiral.
Jimi Hendrix. Not Jimmy
Thanks, Danny. No disrespect to the Hendrix fans out there…..I’ve got it changed.