Do You Choose the Good Life?
Do You Choose This?
A limit set by yourself
Intrusion of your life by someone else
Creating trouble when joy is an easy option
Harsh words
Affecting the lives of Children who can’t defend themselves
Causing disorder
Shattering dreams through jealousy
Causing problems through ignorance
Implementing regulations which create a need for more regulations
Living a Life instead of Creating a Life
Giving into the Rat race
Forgetting your dreams….more importantly….What you believe in?
Or This?
Remembering the Golden Rule
Remembering who you wanted to be and knowing it’s still attainable
Never letting others affect your character
Believing in the Universe
Believing in your Dreams
Improving your own life and those closest to you
Letting others do their own thing……we are all different
Loving Children…..they are the ones who will be taking over
Create your own culture
Dare, Risk, Have Courage
You will never be as Young as you are today.
The Choice Is Up To You.
Life is full of paths, trails, passages, and journeys
Choices are part of every day…..every minute
One direction may get re-routed, but the journey continues
Old Pathways are still open
Conformity is good and bad, choose the right ones
Getting along is much more fun then the alternative
There is only one thing we were meant to do…..

Wow! Very well done brother.
Thanks Ian…..I like mixing it up, and have felt the need for deepness lately.
A masterpiece Darryl.
Thanks dude. I know you made a choice to live the good life a little while back…..and I’m so glad you did.