Goodbye Austin, Hello Grenada
As you read this blog post, I’m on my way to (another) new life. This time it’s the Caribbean island of Grenada. We’re sort of a Gypsy Family and have moved around countless times over the past 8 years….but this time I’m really planning on planting my feet in the sand and staying there for a long, long time.
This Loving the Bike website is not even three years old, but Grenada will be the third place I’ve called home since we got things started in February 2010. Even back then, I was on the lookout for a tropical location where my Family and I could make a home and life for ourself. We’ve had a category on this website called “My Quest for the Sun” since the beginning so feel free to go back and check out some of the posts about how this search has gone.
So here we are….a Family of 5, plus two dogs and a whole bunch of luggage. Oh, and of course I’ve got my road bike on the plane with me as well. There are still a few unknowns, but it’s all part of the adventure right?
I’ve been asked many times about how we’re able to do something like this. How can we do it with kids? What are you going to do for work? Countless questions from people who are intrigued and/or confused about making such a huge change.
I don’t really have all the answers even though we have done this sort of thing a few times in the past. You’d think I’d be an expert at moving, changing everything possible in your life, and adjusting….but I’m not. Each time we’ve made such a big move like this I feel scared, confused, and a little unsure.
So how does someone make a massive decision, and follow it through until it’s happened? Well, I’m probably one of the worse decision makers in the world. I have a hard time even deciding what to order from the menu when we go out to eat, so what do I know about giving advice on making a big decision?
Big Decisions Made Easy
Like I said, I’m not an expert at this…but I do feel I have a few words of wisdom to share with any of you who feel the desire to make a big change in your life as well. Here it goes:
What would Helen Keller Do? One of the best quotes ever has got to be this one from this great American icon:
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.”
At moments when I get scared or start doubting that we should do something so epic, I roll these words from Helen Keller through my head to help ward off these thoughts.
Rocking Chair When I’m 80 years old, sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch of my house I know I’m going to reflect back on the life I have lived. I want that old man to sit there proud of all the adventurous things he has done and how he created his own lifestyle. Yep, that is the man I want to be sitting on that rocking chair.
Do it Now It’s so easy to have big ideas and let them simmer on the back burner of life…saying that you’ll get to them one day. I’m not that kind of guy. I believe in Doing it Now and not waiting for “someday” to arrive. It’s the way I pretty much do all things in life, including putting miles on my bike. I’d rather get to it sooner than later. It’s this attitude that has helped build many great adventures in my life.
So as of tomorrow, Loving the Bike will officially be coming at you from the beautiful island of Grenada. I’ll also soon be running the most amazing bicycle cafe this part of the world has ever seen. It’s called Mocha Spoke, and if you’re not yet following us on Twitter and Facebook….please jump on that right now.
We’re going to remain a cycling lifestyle website just has we’ve been up to now….but I’ll update you on island life as often as possible. I hope you’ll continue being a loyal reader and follower so that I can share all the magic and adventure with you all. Even better, I want you to share your “daring adventures” with me. If there’s any way I can help get you there, or support you in any way….I’ll do it.
Oh, and you’re all welcome to come ride bikes and drink coffee with me in Grenada any time.

This is awesome Darryl! I hope your new venture fares well!
This was a really inspiring post. I am so happy for you and proud of you. We are about to do the same thing as you know. This gives me gas in the tank to make it go.
Wow, thanks for all the great comments and wishes. I’m still getting settled here so I’m sorry for doing a group thank you instead of commenting individually, but I want you to know that your words are very much appreciate. I’ll have more updates soon so please continue being one of our great Loving the Bike supporters. Thanks.
I admire you.
You, my friend are a good soul. Austin is less for the departure of you and your family and Grenada more. As weird as it might sound I am not envious, but that’s because it’s not my dream, I do however, have so much respect for you guys, the choices you make, the way you live and the way you raise your kids. The islands are a huge part of who I am, and they always will be, it was clear to me from the first few twitter exchanges that we had, that the Islands are ultimately where you should be.
I wish you HUGE success, in the terms that YOU define that to be.
Pamela and I are GONNA come see you guys, and I will drink coffee (for the first time in 30 years).
Take Care.
Keep the Rubber Side Down my friend. Talk to you soon.
Dangit Darryl, your speaking straight to my gut right now. The way your family lives is inspiring to me and it’s time to follow suite and live out a dream.
Good for you! We made the move to an island in Belize 14+ months ago, but there’s really no road riding to speak of here on Ambergris Caye. Between unpaved roads, cobblestones, and potholes, it’s a beach bike kind of place. Is Grenada much better suited for road riding? We are missing our road riding SO badly.
It is really hard to make decisions which can really affect your entire life but cheer up to you, You really found what would be the best for you family.
Good luck to you Darryl and your family. If I ever get over there I would love to ride with you and of course, drink coffee. I hope you enjoy the island life, I am insanly jealous. (I know, Australia is the worlds biggest island, but its not quite the same) Safe travels, and I can’t wait to hear of your new adventures.
Best of luck, Darryl and Family. I look forward to updates on island life and island riding. I hope to take you up on that coffee offer one of these days and do some island riding myself.
My jealousy would be insulted if I tried to use mere words to explain it. Enjoy your sun…and your rides. And when you open a bike shop (since they don’t really have one there), I will come work for you.