This summer I’m living the jet setter life. I’m going to Paris for a few days, onto Boston for several weeks before returning to Europe. There I’ll be traveling around via plane, train and automobile through various countries before returning home to Penang.
All in all it will be a little over a month of travel, and though I don’t have the exact dates or locations pinned down yet, I do have some idea of where I’d like to go. The preliminary plan is to fly into Amsterdam, make my way down though Brussels to Bruges and then to Frankfurt, Bern and Milan or elsewhere in Italy. I’d like to take the train as it’s fast and scenic, though I’m guessing I’ll need to fly a few places.
I’d like to rent a bike to at least say I’ve ridden in Europe, but I haven’t the faintest clue how to go about it. I also keep saying I, but in fact it will be both my husband and I traipsing around Europe.
So, I need some help from you guys. Let’s hear your experiences riding in Europe, or even ideas on where to go in general. I have around ten days total for my trip to Europe, and as much as I’d like to spend it all in one place, I’d rather go as many places as I can this time around. I’d love to hear your stories, good and bad, about places to go, where to stay and what to eat.
– Ashley