Hottest Piece of Ass Photo Contest
Okay, so who’s butt looks best in a pair of cycling shorts or bibs? Which booty looks the nicest in commuter or mountain bike shorts? Who’s got the hottest piece of ass?
Yeah, this contest is so hot it was in serious need of a name with attitude. We’re looking for photos of the hottest cycling ass out there and want to award the most bodacious male and female butts.
If you know anything about us over here at Loving the Bike, you’ll know that we’re just having some fun with this contest. We’re a fan of all butts…big or small….and anyone who pulls on a pair of spandex or cycling shorts is a champion to us.
This contest is not just for those perfectly rounded butts….everyone is eligible to enter, and win.
Contest Details:
- Send us a photo of your butt in cycling apparel….whatever you ride in (if you’re the thong cyclist from Austin….well, so be it).
- Or, send us a photo of one of your cycling buddies who has a fantastic cycling butt.
- We’ll keep things anonymous if you want, so just let us know and we won’t post the name of who’s behind that wonderful behind.
- Send in the photos to [email protected] by Noon on Friday, March 29th.
- Photos will be put up for voting on Wednesday, April 3 and our readers will determine who’s worthy of top butt honors.
Best Ass Prize Pack:
Thanks to the great guys over at Twin Six for supplying the prize packs for our “Hottest Piece of Ass” photo contest.
The male and female butt with the most votes will receive a Twin Six jersey, bibs, and socks of their choice. Yeah, one for each of the top “best ass” vote getters.
Photo Details:
- Photos must be of butt area only. We don’t want faces in the pictures.
- High quality photos of at least 700px work best, but we’ll take any resolution you have.
- We welcome submissions from all over the world, but only able to guarantee delivery of winning prize pack to those located in North America. We’ll do our best to get prizes delivered should the winner be from outside this area.
- Photos must be originals of you (or taken by you). Any submitted photos peeled off the internet will not be considered.
- Loving the Bike has full authority to post any pictures submitted on our website or social media sites.
- Only photos and submissions that meet these rules and regulations will be considered.
This is going to be fun….send in those pictures by March 29th.

I just submitted 3 entries!
Where can they be seen?
Am I allowed to photoshop out the pimples?
I wasn’t expecting a title like that at loving the bike. I don’t have a beautiful looking behind, but I am sending you my picture anyway. I like how you said that all butts are able to win. I might have a chance.
glad I deleted my FB account…otherwise I would posted something very snarky and disapproving
Hahaha, kind if thought you might not approve of this one.
I”m old and tired. Being humorless is my job now.
that’s my ass up there, in the header!! what do I win?
That’s a great ass, Katie… sure and submit some other photos of your butt.
Favoritism!! 🙂